

Sicily Background



Giuseppe & Pennie Collesano
Giuseppe & Pennie Collesano

Giuseppe was born and raised in Castelbuono, Sicily (province of Palermo), in a Catholic family. He went to church only for holidays, baptisms, etc., until his First Communion when the Priest told him that he was now a soldier for Christ. He never set foot in the church again because he had no desire to hear about a God who was going to punish him by sending him to hell. He was afraid of death, and he was scared of the Christ that was up on the crucifix.

When he was 19, the first two believers that told him about the gospel befriended him. He kept listening to them until he ventured into a small meeting room in his hometown where people there studied the Bible and who could explain it to him. He became a regular attendee but still had doubts about what the missionaries were teaching. One night, on his way home after getting into a fight with his 2 best friends, he decided to find out for himself whether or not what the missionaries were saying was the truth. He found a Bible that his father had brought home from Germany one Christmas and began reading it for himself.

The Holy Spirit spoke to his heart, and he broke down crying and told God that if He was who the Bible said he was that he wanted him to take over his life because he couldn’t go on any longer the way he was living. In a split second, God came into his heart, and his life was changed. So now what? He asked. He and his 2 buddies decided that they would have to be the ones to tell the others in their town that they had found the truth and thus started his quest to evangelize his countrymen. Two years after he was saved, he went to study in Rome at the Italian Bible Institute; 1978-1980… Read More



For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed – a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

Christians Standing on the Beach

In cooperation with the local churches and also:

  • To preserve fellowship and mutual recognition of all evangelical Christian churches, acknowledging their complete autonomy with regards to internal matters;
  • Establish and coordinate the reinforcement of social and religious projects and institutions having as their goals evangelism, instruction and diffusion of the evangelical culture, assistance and charity;
  • Encourage the planting of new local churches in Italy;
  • Entertain and maintain positive relationships with other national and international religious organizations.
Act Now Ministries
Act Now Ministries7 days ago
Greetings friends of the ministry . By providing much needed literature people from other countries are reached with the Gospel. Our partner Daniele in north Italy here with a Pakistani that has become a part of his outreach . In the other photo, we were able to send him a box of bibles in Urdu ( Pakistan) and Bengali ( Bangladesh ). Thank you for your help in praying , giving and more .
God bless you .
Act Now Ministries
Act Now Ministries2 months ago
Act Now Ministries
Act Now Ministries2 months ago
Buongiorno. Good morning .
Are you a New creation ?
Everybody hopes for a New Year. New hopes and dreams to come to reality in the next year.
In reality if you’re still the same in front of God ; nothing has really changed .
The new year will start as a continuation of the old ; you can make A change for good .
Jesus came to die for you and me . He said: Blessed are the one that haven’t seen but have believed . Why you don’t do the same . He can change your life for the better for your eternity . I did long ago in 1974 . He for gave my sins ; He adopted me into His family ; I will live with Him for the rest of my life here and after . He Can Do It .
Please don’t let pass His offer which is free to all , pass you by .
Start the new year with a New heart and soul. He paid for your sins and mine at the cross to give the Gift of eternal life to everyone that ask for it . It is free; but you have to ask for it .
Don’t delay it .
God bless you .
Act Now Ministries
Act Now Ministries2 months ago
From all of us at Act Now Ministries to all of you Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year .
Act Now Ministries
Act Now Ministries2 months ago
Some more posts from November , sorry to be a bit late . Teaching , singing, preaching in Pont S.Martin . Spending sometime with our brother Jean Pierre . More to come .
Act Now Ministries
Act Now Ministries3 months ago
More posts from November .
Preaching in Scordia and then pizza with the church . A great bunch of believers .
Later a trip for two weeks up north . The bush represent what happen a week prior my arrival there . Our brother Daniele lost us car and his son lost us car during a flash flood . More pic coming. As you see the height of the water in his garage about 4 and half feet . List all the literature , we blessed him with triple the literature to evangelize the Italians and the Muslim population there . Pray for him and his family . God bless you . More coming tomorrow. Ciao .