

October 2024 Newsletter

October 2024 Newsletter September to remember. Yes, it was a great month with lots of blessings and encounters. We are thankful to be blessed and all the praise goes to our Lord and Savior. The Collesanos celebrated their 43rd anniversary at the end of September. It was a blessing. Now Giuseppe is back in Sicily. … Read more

September 2024 Newsletter

September 2024 Newsletter Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings from sunny Michigan! Summer is ending after a flurry of activity here in Michigan and the time to return to Sicily, Italy is approaching fast. Where did the time go? We were blessed to have all our children with us this summer while being up north … Read more

August 2024 Newsletter

August 2024 Newsletter Click Here for PDF Newsletter Wow, what a month July was! We hope and pray that you were blessed too. Because of your praying and donating, lots of things are happening in Sicily and Italy. Currently, we are helping close to 15 churches with literature for their outreaches. One of the churches … Read more

July 2024 Newsletter

July 2024 Newsletter Greetings from not-so-sunny Michigan. We are now on Bois Blanc Island and today we start VBS for the children here. We are grateful that Grace Chapel Waterford MI will run the program this week. Let’s pray together that God has His way in the hearts of the ones attending and also with … Read more

June 2024 Newsletter

June 2024 Newsletter Click Here for PDF Newsletter Wow!!! Praise the Lord. What a May to remember. The plan was to have a week of teaching and preaching maximum on the mainland, especially in the north. No way. Thank you for keeping your prayers going, and they went long distance. Yes thank you. Giuseppe left … Read more

May 2024 Newsletter

May 2024 Newsletter Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings from Sicily, faithful friends of the ministry of Act Now Ministries. We thank you for your love and prayers that are very evident in the ways that our God works here. As we write this, Giuseppe is on his way to North Italy to teach and … Read more

April 2024 Newsletter

April 2024 Newsletter Click Here for PDF Newsletter Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I will say, rejoice. Philippians 4:4. These words were penned long ago by the apostle Paul, who gives us reason for the season. Greetings to you all from Virginia as we have visited our daughter’s family there for Easter. It was … Read more

March 2024 Newsletter

March 2024 Newsletter Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings from the Pacific Northwest! After a few years, the Collesano family finally made it to the Gasporra family’s to spend some quality time together. God has provided a great team to minister overseas and we can see His hand in what is happening. Brothers have been … Read more

February 2024 Newsletter

February 2024 Newsletter Click Here For PDF Newsletter Greetings from cold Michigan! Yes, we know, that’s the way it is, life in the Great Lakes. January went so fast, but nonetheless it was a blessed month and we thank the Lord for that. A lot has happened and many have been blessed because of your … Read more

January 2024 Newsletter

January 2024 Newsletter Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings from Michigan! It’s very cold here and no snow. We hope you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. It seems that it went by way too fast. Giuseppe left Sicily on the 15th of December for the holidays and family time. … Read more

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Merry Christmas from Act Now Ministries and the Collesanos.

November 2023 Newsletter

November 2023 Newsletter Click Here to View PDF with Photos Greeting from Sicily, where there is never a dull day, especially with an active volcano! We hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving Day. No turkey for Giuseppe this year but God is good and never disappoints. Thank you for your prayers and support. October was … Read more

October 2023 Newsletter

October 2023 Newsletter Click Here to View PDF with Photos Wow, what a month to remember, for sure. We are very thankful for your prayers and support more than ever. I do like to save money…who doesn’t? Yes, I saved quite a bit but also lost my connecting flight from Istanbul to Catania, along with … Read more

September 2023 Newsletter

September 2023 Newsletter Click Here for the PDF Newsletter Greetings from Sicily…finally! That’s because it took almost two days to get there; first a day delayed, then an accident that closed the Catania airport for a few hours. Giuseppe left on Monday and got to Belpasso on Wednesday. Departure from JFK was an hour late, … Read more

August 2023 Newsletter

August 2023 Newsletter Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings from up north Michigan! As I watch the calm Lake Huron for a couple more days, I ask myself: where has the summer gone? Most of us have experienced a very different summer: fires all over with lots of people displaced and some losing loved ones. … Read more

July 2023 Newsletter

July 2023 Newsletter Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings to you all friends and partners of Act Now Ministries. We hope you had a blessed Fourth of July and also a great start to your summer. Let’s pray about these fires that are affecting so many in our country. The smoke has arrived in Europe … Read more

June Newsletter 2023

June Newsletter 2023 Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings to all of you brothers and sisters who pray every day for the ministry of ANM. Thank you for your part in building the kingdom of God. We are now in Michigan for a supporter’s wedding and spending time with family and you all. Lots to … Read more

May 2023 Newsletter

May 2023 Newsletter Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings from Sicily, dear partners in the ministry of Act Now Ministries. We thank you for your prayers and support for the ongoing spreading of the Word of God here and beyond the island. God is good. It has been a trying month even though His blessings … Read more

April 2023 Newsletter

April 2023 Newsletter Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings from Sicily and thank you for praying for the ministry here. After settling in Belpasso, Giuseppe started the process for recognizing Act Now Ministries as a not-for-profit. The papers have been filed and we expect to have them soon. Thanks for praying. As you well know, we … Read more

March 2023 Newsletter

March 2023 Newsletter Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings to you all from rainy Sicily. It was a long flight, but Giuseppe made it back to Sicily and Belpasso. Last Sunday, he was supposed to preach at Bloomfield Hills Baptist Church, but the ice storm had other plans. About a half million people were without … Read more

Isaac Testimonial

Isaac Testimonial In 2008 my trial began, and in 2009 the police arrested a friend of mine,I was already a believer. When I appear in front of the judge, I will bring my Bible with me. That day I was reading my Bible and waiting for an audience with the judge. While I waited my … Read more

Mattia Bua Testimonial

Mattia Bua Testimonial Mattia Bua: In June 2021 I was visiting someone that knows I call brother in Christ, Jean Pierre.There there was another believer with us, Pietro ( Peter); it was Pietro that asked me if I would like to let Jesus Christ into my heart. Did not take much time to make me … Read more

February 2023 Newsletter

February 2023 Newsletter Good morning and thank you for all you do for Act Now Ministries. We hope this letter finds you well and active in serving our Lord and Savior. We are doing fine in this cold winter; it’s beautiful because of the snow here in Michigan. Time is approaching fast for Giuseppe, our … Read more

January 2023 Newsletter

January 2023 Newsletter Greetings to you, our friends and partners of the ministry in Sicily, Italy. We pray and hope that your Christmas was a blessed day filled with the remembrance of the precious gift from above to us. It is a privilege to be able to serve with you all overseas. In those two … Read more

End of the Year Recap

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December 2022

December Newsletter 2022 Greetings from not-so-sunny Sicily! Yes, winter is indeed here. Etna is covered with fresh snow already, and we are all feeling the cold. This year, many will double down on blankets because of high prices for fuel. Some cannot afford the fuel and are huddling in a room with a propane heater. … Read more

The Story of Little Salvatore

The Story of Little Salvatore In 2020, Romina was planning for the arrival of her third son Salvatore.  During a routine visit with the gynecologist, it was discovered that Salvatore had a vein that was blocking blood flow to his heart. The OBGYN suggested to her and her husband to have an abortion in the … Read more

November 2022

November 2022 A big Thank You for your prayers and support! In the midst of fighting a stomach bug, I’m now on the mend. God did amazing things because you prayed. Greetings from sunny Sicily where summer looks like it will never end. People are still swimming this late in the year. WOW! After the … Read more

October 2022

October 2022 Newsletter It has only been a week here and I already have 2300 km, close to 1800 miles, on my car! Greetings from Sicily, where I have been up and running in sharing His Word every day. God is good and at work. Again, thank you for your prayers and support; we can’t … Read more

September 2022

September 2022 Greetings to all of your faithful prayers and support of the Ministry of Act Now Ministries.The countdown has begun to return to Sicily/Italy after the pandemic. We all are doing well and eagerly await Giuseppe to return overseas to restart full swing the mission: To go fish (really) for one more for the … Read more

August 2022

August 2022 Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings to you all, our partners in the ministry. Let’s start by praising the Lord; actually, everything that we do should start with this. We start at the end of July, Sunday afternoon. Giuseppe Collesano was on a long-distance phone call with Sicily. At the other end, there … Read more

July 2022

July 2022 Click Here for our PDF Newsletter Greetings to you all and we wish you a very fulfilling summer! In the midst of difficulties, we have seen God still at work in Sicily and in the hearts of people. The outreach to the refugees from Ukraine is ongoing there. Please continue to pray for … Read more

June 2022

June 2022 Click Here for our PDF Newsletter Greetings and wishing you all a Happy Summer. For sure, we all are feeling the pinch with prices going up every week from gasoline to groceries and other necessities. In Italy, gasoline is at an all-time high but price is different than the U.S. Here, we pay … Read more

May 2022

May 2022 Wow!! God is good. Thank you for your prayers that are getting noticed and answered by our Father. It is always a delight when we can report to you about God’s faithfulness. We have been blessed beyond measure with a great team of prayer warriors and givers, so thank you. Last month, we … Read more

April 2022

April 2022 Click Here for our PDF Newsletter Greetings to all of you! Another birthday and another month have passed. We thank you for your continued prayers and support of the ministry overseas. The focus for the last month has been on the conflict in Ukraine and what can be done to stop it. We … Read more

March 2022

March 2022 Newsletter Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings from still-cold Michigan! We pray and hope that this newsletter finds you well and encouraged that in the midst of the chaos of this world, God is still in charge. It seems that we are coming out of the pandemic according to the news here in … Read more

February 2022

February 2022 Newsletter Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings to all of you prayer warriors and supporters of Act Now Ministries! Michigan is in a very cold snap with lots of snow that has fallen in recent days. We hope this newsletter finds you well and praying for a better 2022. It was a difficult … Read more

January 2022

January 2022 Newsletter The Collesanos wish you all a very Blessed Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year; a fruitful one for His glory. Thank you for all you do for the Lord. We at Act Now Ministries hope that you and yours had a blessed Christmas and a hopeful start to the New Year … Read more

December 2021

Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings to you from cold Michigan! We at Act Mow Ministries wish you all a Blessed Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.Sometime we wish to forget about a particular month or day in our lives. Never guessed that a little cold could be so damaging. Yes at the … Read more

November 2021

Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings to all of you friends and supporters of Act Now Ministries, and a big thank you for being in the trenches with us. Not too long ago, Germany was in the eye of the storm with lots of rain and floods. Giuseppe’s cousin, the president of the mission, lost … Read more

October 2021

Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings prayer partners and supporters of Act Now Ministries! It seems Autumn has finally arrived here in Michigan. We still have more days like summer on the horizon. Always a whirlwind of activities in our lives…the same we hope for you all. We had an opportunity to have guests from … Read more

September 2021

Greetings partners and supporters of Act Now Ministries. Thank you for all you do to help us to proclaim His Gospel! Usually August in Sicily is one of the slowest months of the year. Not so this year. August is the month when most of the stores close for a long vacation either by the … Read more

August 2021

Click Here for PNG Newsletter Image Greetings to all of you, our friends and supporters of Act Now Ministries! We hope that you’re enjoying your summer and hopefully with less restrictions from the pandemic. We are spending some time in northern Michigan and hosting some of our friends visiting here. Just last Sunday, Pastor Vallen … Read more

July 2021

Click Here for Newsletter PDF Greetings to all of you who pray and support Act Now Ministries. Summer is in full swing all over and we pray that you are enjoying the weather where you are. How is your race going? Keeping the pace or getting tired? Are you distracted or keeping the focus on … Read more

June 2021

Click Here for Newsletter PDF Greetings praying friends and supporters. It seems that summer has started as the temperatures are rising now. Thank you for your prayers for the ministry in Sicily and beyond. We hope and pray that you are all doing well and healthy. So far, we can account only for a little … Read more

May 2021

Click Here to see a PDF with Pictures Greetings to all of our dear supporters and praying warriors! We want to thank you for your generosity and prayers for us during this difficult time with the pandemic. Pray for us for lots of patience in waiting for changes to happen overseas. A good change is … Read more

April 2021

Click Here to view PDF with images Greetings from Virginia Beach! We wish all of you a Happy Easter and blessed Resurrection Day. The Lord has blessed us with another gift: the birth of Evan Arthur Mullins, our daughter’s firstborn, and our fifth grandchild. God is Good. In the midst of a pandemic and lockdown … Read more

March 2021

Click Here for Newsletter PDF  Greetings from Michigan, where we hope winter is in the last days of gripping us with very cold temperatures. We are doing fine and staying COVID-free so far. We thank the Lord for keeping all of our family in good health. In the month of March, we will be blessed … Read more

February 2021

Click Here for PDF Hello everyone: we hope this finds you well even if we are in the deep freeze here with the Atlantic storm dumping snow on us in Michigan. Thank you for all you do for God and the ministry overseas. Matthew 20:1-16: please read it. Laborer = a person doing unskilled work … Read more

January 2021

Click Here for PDF Newsletter Happy New Year to all of you! Another year has ended; lots of people are glad that it is over, hoping for a better one in 2021. Psalm 118:24 says “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Well, the circumstances … Read more

December 2020

Click Here for October/November PDF Newsletter Click Here for December PDF Newsletter Greetings to you all, our friends and supporters of Act Now Ministries. We hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving and had an opportunity to reflect on His blessings in your life. For sure, 2020 will go down in history as a very challenging … Read more

November 2020

Click Here for PDF Newsletter Greetings to our supporters and friends of Act Now Ministries: We hope and pray that this letter will find you all well. By the time you read it, we might have a new president or the reinstatement of President Trump for the next four years. This year for sure will … Read more

October 2020

Click Here for October 2020 Newsletter PDF Greetings to you, friends and supporters of the ministry of Act Now Ministries. Summer has ended and autumn is already here with the leaves turning for a majestic display of God’s creation. With the new season, we adapt to the cold weather coming upon us; thankfully it’s the … Read more

September 2020

Click Here for September 2020 Newsletter PDF Greetings to all of you faithful friends and supporters! As summer comes to an end and autumn slowly begins, it seems that 2020 has been a very different year, and one that many — if not all — would like to forget. Still, as they say, we are … Read more

August 2020

Click Here for August 2020 Newsletter PDF I Thessalonians 5:16-18 Pray without ceasing. During this crisis, we have had plenty of time to pray for sure. Greetings to our faithful friends and partners from all of us at Act Now Ministries. We are thankful for your faithfulness and desire that His Word is preached in … Read more

July 2020

Click Here for July 2020 Newsletter PDF Greetings to all of you from Northern Michigan, where we are spending some time and having an almost family reunion. We are doing fine in a strange summer with so many uncertainties because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are thankful nonetheless with great health and great family. Giuseppe, … Read more

June 2020

Click Here for June 2020 Newsletter PDF Joshua 24:15 As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. This verse is our family verse when we got married and later went to Italy to serve our Lord in evangelizing and preaching His Word. For us, Giuseppe and Pennie, we celebrate a milestone in … Read more

May 2020

Click Here for May 2020 Newsletter PDF Psalm 46:1-2. God is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear. Even though the earth be removed. And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. Greetings from still cold Michigan. We should be into the 70s … Read more

April 2020

Fellow Servants,   We publish this letter in the midst of a Pandemic, a matter we have never seen, nonetheless God is in the middle of all of this.  Our trust and faith is secure in Him.  I was blessed to be able to read an excerpt from Max Lucado on how Jesus handled Crucifixion … Read more

March 2020

Click Here for March 2020 Newsletter PDF Greetings from Michigan: We hope and pray that you all are doing well during this crisis that has gripped the world. It is very difficult to understand what is going on. Giuseppe by this time would have been back in Sicily now by a month. Three times he … Read more

February 2020

Click Here for February 2020 Newsletter PDF

January 2020

Click Here for January 2020 Newsletter PDF 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Give thanks because it is the will of God. Greetings to all of you from not-so-cold Michigan. We at Act Now Ministries have many reasons to give thanks and we hope you do too. A great reason is that this May marks the 15 years … Read more

December 2019

Click Here for December 2019 Newsletter PDF Greetings from not so cold Michigan! We hope your Christmas was a very merry one and the new year that just started will be a very Happy New Year for all of you and your families. We are very thankful for a blessed and fruitful December. From mid-November … Read more

November 2019

Click Here for November 2019 Newsletter PDF Greetings from Sicily! We at Act Now Ministries hope that you all had a blessed Thanksgiving. It was a blessing for Giuseppe to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with some of our countrymen and Italian friends at the house of Pastor Andrew. We really do appreciate your prayers … Read more

October 2019

Click Here for October 2019 Newsletter PDF Dear friends and supporters of the ministry of ANM: Greetings from Sicily! It’s unseasonably warm for this time of the year here with floods in the north, but recently we had a couple of big storms that resulted in damage all over Sicily. Here it is the season … Read more

September 2019

Click Here for September 2019 Newsletter PDF Dear prayer warriors and faithful supporters of the ministry: Here it is, a little report for you to rejoice and pray for the work of Act Now Ministries. Even being home for most of the summer, it seems time flew by too fast. Giuseppe spent a very meaningful … Read more

August 2019

Click Here for August 2019 Newsletter PDF Dear partners in the ministry of Act Now Ministries: Summer is coming to an end, and it seems like it was only yesterday that Giuseppe arrived to Michigan to spend quality time with his family and rest. It has been a busy summer with lots of travel and … Read more

July 2019

Click Here for July 2019 Newsletter PDF Greetings partners and friends of the ministry of Act Now Ministries: All is well here in upstate Michigan. There is time to relax and time to dedicate on the upkeep of the cottage that we inherited a couple of years ago. After the last trip to Sardinia and … Read more

June 2019

Click Here for June 2019 Newsletter PDF Summer is finally here and it’s hotter than before all over Italy and the States too. This is a continuation from the last letter and more to come. Greetings to all our supporters and prayer warriors that stand with us in proclaiming the Gospel. Everywhere we go, we … Read more

May 2019

Click Here for May 2019 Newsletter PDF Greetings from Sicily, where the weather is finally getting warmer and Mt. Etna is erupting as usual. We are thankful to all of you who pray and support us at Act Now Ministries. This month is no exception to the ones before. It was a great month where … Read more

April 2019

Click Here for April 2019 Newsletter PDF Greetings from Sicily! It’s been a rollercoaster of a month. It seems like the weather in Michigan is one day in the 40s and another in the 70s. Lots of opportunities and activities have kept us doing His work here, with lots of planning for the month of … Read more

March 2019

Click Here for March 2019 Newsletter PDF

February 2019

Click Here for February 2019 Newsletter PDF Greetings from sunny Sicily! It’s a bit cold here and we are still getting snow in higher elevations. Even in a short month like February, we would like to take a moment to thank you all for your faithfulness in giving to the ministry of Act Now Ministries. … Read more

January 2019

Click Here for January 2019 Newsletter PDF Greetings from cold — very cold! — Michigan. People often ask me why I come back during the winter months to Michigan. It is also winter overseas and mostly the rainy season. This year was peculiar, as there were a few earthquakes near where we are located. There … Read more

December 2018

Click Here for December 2018 Newsletter PDF Greetings from Virginia Beach! We’re here visiting our daughter Cristina and her husband John. We at Act Now Ministries (ANM) would like to wish all of our partners and friends a Happy New Year. Our Christmas this year was spent with all of our family and it was … Read more

November 2018

Click Here for November 2018 Newsletter PDF Greetings from Sicily where now the temps are telling us that winter is here too. Mount Etna, the volcano, is covered with snow! We have relocated near Catania where we can continue full force the ministry here in Sicily and Sardinia. Moving is always stressful and this time … Read more

October 2018

Dear partners and friends: As I write to you from Sicily, we are in the rainy season now, where the temperature is a balmy 73 degrees. For me, it’s like summer! A little recap from the time home in Michigan, and now preparing for the months ahead of us with lots to do: After a … Read more

September 2018

Dear partners and friends: thank you for your continued love for the Lord and His work through Act Now Ministries. We hope your summer went well with all your activities and vacations. It is for us, as there is always work to be done! Time sure flies by quickly. By the time you read this, … Read more

August 2018

Click Here for August 2018 Newsletter PDF Greetings from Northern Michigan! Here, it seems summer is over. One thing is for sure: it is quiet, unless the waves crushing on the rocks distract you. For Giuseppe and his family, this time was needed for rest and reflection and looking forward to what the Lord has … Read more

July 2018

Click Here for July 2018 Newsletter PDF Greetings from Michigan, friends and supporters of Act Now Ministries! Summer is very hot on the west coast of Sicily this time of year. Most people close their shops and take a month-long vacation in cooler areas. Before Giuseppe left Sicily, the team there received a big donation … Read more

June 2018

Click Here for June 2018 Newsletter PDF June 2018: Wow! Praise the Lord with us at Act Now Ministries. Already one year has gone by since we launched ANM Inc. last year. The Lord has blessed much and because your faithfulness in supporting His work here, we can shout Thank You Lord for allowing us … Read more

May 2018

Click Here for May 2018 Newsletter PDF Greetings from sunny – and HOT – Sicily! Giuseppe returned to Sicily on May 8 with Mark and Micah, two volunteers from Grace Chapel in Michigan. Travel was fine until Giuseppe fell ill with a stomach virus, keeping him out of action for the first week. So it … Read more

April 2018

Click Here for April 2018 Newsletter PDF Family Time and Ministry in Michigan and Indiana As we write this report, it seems that winter has finally ended. Here in Michigan, they say that if you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change. It surely does happen: one day is 40 degrees … Read more

March 2018

Click Here for March 2018 Newsletter PDF Greetings from Michigan! We hope that you had a blessed Easter weekend and that to be reminded about Christ’s sacrifice was an encouragement to you. Giuseppe arrived mid-March in Michigan still in the grips of the cold that lingers there. It is always a blessing to be reunited … Read more

February 2018

Click Here for February 2018 Newsletter PDF Hello friends and partners of the ministry in Sicily: We are thankful to the Lord that after quite a bit of a drought, rain has finally arrived. Last time it rained was last April, so this rain was badly needed. With the rain, a cold snap has gripped … Read more

Thank You

Hello Friends (we know you by name) To our friends and supporters of Act Now Ministries, we would like to say Thank You. Often times in ministry we get caught up in the work and time continues to move by and it may seem we forget about our supporters in a personal manner.  We remember … Read more

January 2018

Click Here for January 2018 Newsletter PDF It seems that January flew by very fast and we are back in Sicily preparing for a year full of opportunities. This month, we held our first board meeting of Act Now Ministries. It was a joy to see what has happened since the inception of the mission. … Read more

December 2017

Click Here for December 2017 Newsletter PDF Hello to our dear friends and supporters of the work here in Sicily! We hope you had a very happy Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. Here, the Thanksgiving holiday is celebrated, too, as some churches have American missionaries who bring this tradition from the USA. For sure, … Read more

November 2017

Click Here for November 2017 Newsletter PDF October in Sicily is a month full of lots of activities all over. It’s grape season and then soon after, olive season starts. At this moment, the roads are busy with farming tractors with trailers hauling olives to the presses. Giuseppe’s family will do an olive harvest in … Read more

October 2017

Greetings from Sicily! Finally some rain has arrived after five months of drought. Giuseppe arrived at the end of August, and with him a virus infection of the throat. Not quite what he wanted to deal with, as it seems this virus has affected many all over. But no matter, the mission of Act Now Ministries … Read more

September 2017

Dear Friends and Supporters: Hello everyone, we hope you had a blessed summer. Here in Sicily where I arrived last night, summer continues on. It has not rained since April here; thus, some harvest has suffered greatly. Farmers had to harvest one month before the usual time; otherwise, all would have been lost. Too much … Read more

August 2017

Dear Friends and Supporters: We send greetings to all of you from Troy Michigan where I arrived a month ago from Sicily. Left the island during a heatwave and more is coming, with no rain since April on our side of the island. We will be here in the States until the end of August sharing … Read more

July 2017

Greetings from sunny and hot Sicily! We have reached 100 degrees already here. By the time you read this newsletter, I will already be in Michigan. I plan to spend a couple of months with my family and sharing with as many as we can about the work of Act Now Ministries. This month has … Read more

June 2017

Dear friends and supporters: Greetings from sunny and hot Sicily! We have reached 100 degrees already here. By the time you read this newsletter, I will already be in Michigan. I plan to spend a couple of months with my family and sharing with as many as we can about the work of Act Now … Read more

May 2017

Greetings to our friends and supporters of Act Now Ministries: By now, you should know that we have founded and established Act Now Ministries Inc. for the work here in Sicily and beyond. We are encouraged by your continued support on all fronts. We are a non-profit organization with a board in the United States. … Read more

April 2017

Matthew 28:18-20 Dear friends and faithful supporters of the ministry that our God has called us into here in Sicily and beyond: We do serve an Awesome God. Your prayers have been answered and He has used us here in a marvelous way. Act Now Ministries received the first team here in Sicily for a … Read more

March 2017

Greetings from Sicily! It’s getting warmer but still chilly at night. I did not picture March starting up with a funeral, especially Sunny’s. He was my friend and his smile will be sorely missed. It took almost three weeks before we could hold the funeral, between the investigation, relatives coming from Spain and all the … Read more

February 2017

Hello all: Time with family in the States was a blessing to see all the kids and grand kids together. This time sadly came to an end on February 9 when I made the trek back to Sicily. It was nice to talk with people and get together with supporters to share with them what’s … Read more

January 2017

Greetings to all of you on a very cold Michigan morning! We could say the same if we were in Sicily this morning, as It has been very unseasonably cold there, too. In some places, they received snow for the first time in 50 years! The new year brought earthquakes and avalanches, with many people … Read more

December 2016

Hello dear partners in ministry: Another year has just ended and a new one has begun. We hope you had a great season of holidays with the best Merry Christmas ever and a New Year that renews your faith and makes it stronger. Ours was full to the brim with many doors opening and opportunities … Read more

November 2016

Hello friends, we hope this finds you well! Also we hope that you had a blessed Thanksgiving. David and I visited Catania as guests at our friend Richard’s home for turkey day. Always our Lord reminds us to be thankful because of His blessings. We received a grill and were able to supplement our intake … Read more

October 2016

A big ciao to all our faithful partners in His work and ministry in Sicily and beyond. We are reminded by the apostle Peter that we are pilgrims here on earth. 1 Peter 1:1-5 ; yes pilgrims but not forgotten. Here’s the fresh news for the month of October: because we are selfish, God has … Read more

June 2016

JUNE REPORT FROM SICILY – GIUSEPPE AND PENNIE 2016 Click Here for PDF with Pictures Greetings from Sicily! Again His faithfulness and grace was evident this month in every encounter, meeting, and opportunity to share His love to others. With your praying and faithful giving we are able to serve here in Sicily. When I … Read more

April 2016

APRIL REPORT 2016 – WORK IN SICILY Click Here for PDF with Pictures Hello Friends and Supporters of the Work in Sicily.  The month of April seems like a blur, it came and went way too quickly. It was a busy month between visiting churches and supporters and spending quality time with our kids and … Read more

March 2016

Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano Click Here for PDF with Pictures Hello from a place where winter seems stuck on repeat, Michigan. The countdown has begun to return to Sicily and beyond. For sure these months have flown by very quickly, still with some joys and trials. The joy of being with all of the family, … Read more

February 2016

Giuseppe & Pennie Collesano Update Click Here for PDF with Pictures Greetings from Troy MI, finally we might get to say goodbye to winter. At this time Sicily they are going through rough weather with heavy rains, tornadoes, cyclones and more. Here all calm, and in the calm of the day Jesus said these indelible … Read more

January 2016

News and Updates from Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano Click Here for PDF with Pictures I sure do miss the nice weather in Sicily but it was needed for me to be here. Just a little recap; we were living in Pennie’s parents’ home before when visiting the States, since both have gone to be with … Read more

Summer Evangelistic Tour – Sicily 2015

God for sure Is Faithful and we are thankful to have friends like you that pray for us, because prayer is effectual. Currently I am in the States with my family during a time of grief. Pennie’s dad went with the Lord on July 23. He was a very influential man and a to-do-man, especially … Read more

June 2015

The Importance of Our Investment! Click Here for PDF with Pictures Serbia June 2015 Dear partners and supporters, In our daily life we have so many things that require our prayers and investments. We all get flooded with requests and it is always our desire to be open and embrace them all. We need, though, … Read more

June 2015

SICILY UPDATE AND PRAYERS JUNE 2015 GIUSEPPE COLLESANO Hello from sunny Sicily, summer maybe has started. For sure the rain and cool nights makes feel we are still in March. Galatians 2:16, this verse speaks volumes about what we do, rather, what He does when we are available to Him. These last few months have … Read more

June 2015

Sicily Rotary Club – Ragusa Leadership Conference – June 2015 Click Here for PDF with Pictures What an unforgettable weekend I had in Sicily. Adding value to people without the pressure of “converting” them, was confirmed once again to be a winning attitude! The Rotary club of Sicily invited me for a leadership conference. The … Read more

Summer 2015

Summer Evangelistic Tour – Sicily 2015 Click Here for PDF with Pictures God for sure Is Faithful and we are thankful to have friends like you that pray for us, because prayer is effectual. Currently I am in the States with my family during a time of grief. Pennie’s dad went with the Lord on … Read more

May 2015

MAY UPDATE Click Here for PDF with Pictures GIUSEPPE IN SICILY Hello everyone, we hope this will find you well and serving Our Lord. Please Be Encouraged, Joshua 1: 8-9. We have seen and live in a world filled with turmoil and no hope unless WE share His Hope to the world. In the U.S.A … Read more

May 2015

Finding God’s Will For Your Life Evangelism Syracuse, Sicily Click Here for PDF with Pictures May 1-3, 2015 After our incredible weekend in Syracuse, Sicily, while waiting to board the plane I said to Sondra: How do you feel about leaving a great impact in the life of many leaders and believers in only 72 … Read more

March IFC

We pray and hope you continue to be excited about continuing the good work that our Lord has called us all to do together!  Over the past several years He has enabled us to further God’s kingdom together. We are praying for God’s grace to continue to impact the nation of Italy with your help.  … Read more

MARCH 2015

SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2015 !!!BREAKING NEWS!!! JUBILEE! Pope Francis has just issued 2 historical statements! First one to the Mexican television, saying that he believes his papacy will be rather brief.  The second one is that he has declared a year of the Jubilee from December 8, 2015 through November 20, 2016.  This is 10 … Read more

March 2015

MARCH UPDATE SICILY GIUSEPPE & PENNIE Hello and blessings from Sicily. After returning to Sicily from our furlough in the states Sicily is busier month than ever, lots of travel. I visited my mother in Castelbuono, preached in Geraci where 14 where baptized In January and spent time with the local church there. We are … Read more

February report

Hello Betsy, all well here in Sicily, a bit cold too. On this report I desire the opportunity to thank my wife. She is more than wonderful to me and our kids, why?. Because of Pennie this year we took a long deserved vacation after been on the field for ten years. Maybe I do … Read more

2 Cor 5:14

This is what should motivate Every Christian to serve . It is His love , not our good to do that should inspire us . Be a blessing to someone.

Geraci baptisms

#2 12 Baptisms in Castelbuono and Much More December – January 2015 Update December flew away real fast , it seems that even the Christmas season lasted just a few days. We are thankful to the Lord for allowing us to spend this time with our loved ones and taking care of doctor’s visits, all … Read more

February 2015

Evangelism and Leadership Training – Starting Back With Me January – February off to a Great Start 2015 Click Here For A PDF Report With Pictures This has been a very busy month and we are just at the beginning of February! On January21st I led a whole day training session with young, motivated and … Read more

January 2015

Annual Winter Youth Retreat January 2015 Click Here For A PDF Report With Pictures What a great youth leader conference we had this last weekend in Rome! We had leaders coming both from the North and South Italy. We also had the honor of once again have Paul Walker, Colin and Melissa Piper, Mark Oestreicher and … Read more

January 2015

12 Baptisms in Castelbuono and Much More December – January 2015 Update Click Here For A PDF Report With Pictures December flew away real fast , it seems that even the Christmas season lasted just a few days. We are thankful to the Lord for allowing us to spend this time with our loved ones … Read more

August 2014 Updates

Xirumi castle not too far from Catania. Nowadays used for weddings and parties.


#31 Click Here For Our Report With Images SEPTEMBER 2014 As the Lord continues to open doors for IFC to share the gospel of Christ in this generation, we consider it such a blessing to be able to stretch His hands and feet to areas open to the gospel, craving the right direction, especially in … Read more


#32 Click Here For Our Report With Images ITALY OCTOBER 2014 What a wonderful appointment for Italy to have had both Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward who arrived Friday October 3rd to hold two conferences on leadership, one in Rome and the other in Naples. New York Times best-selling authors, the two American writers on … Read more


#33 Click Here For Our Report With Images SEPTEMBER 2014 We serve an Awesome God. This is a statement that needs no explanation. He uses us even when we think that because our resources are low it cannot be done, He does great things. We can also say that because of our awesome partners that … Read more


Dear Italy for Christ Partners, Just like America unselfishly helped free Europe from Evil and Suffering in the Second World War, today we must do the same to save souls. Indifference to this cry for help could produce catastrophic results! Let us reach those whom the Lord puts in our path. NOW IS THE TIME! … Read more


CLICK HERE for the full report with pictures JUNE 2014 The main target for a leader is to multiply him/herself and mentor new emerging leaders. This has been the thrust of IFC in the past few years. Equip, encourage and open opportunities to lead has created new partnership with hungry young leaders who have come … Read more

ORU Team May 2014

CLICK HERE for the full report with pictures With only a 10 day notice what a magnificent time they had! When a great team from the University found out that their plans to go to northern Italy for evangelism were squashed the hunt was on for help. BOH who was working with them suggested they … Read more


CLICK HERE for the full report with pictures COLUMBUS, OH 2014 What a wonderful blessing it was to become a part of this wonderful leadership team that we are preparing to bring to Italy. Our trip up north to Columbus was beyond expectation. We were truly moved by the leadership of this amazing team and … Read more


CLICK HERE for the full report with pictures It is always exciting to share about a baptism service but this one in Naples was a special one! It was held in the newborn church started a few days before Christmas 2013 led by pastor Marco Palma and his young team. Pastor Marco is one of … Read more


CLICK HERE for the full report with pictures SICILY 2014 July was quite busy and filled with His blessings; you can see it from the photos. Uriel , a young sailor that I had the privilege to lead to Christ is back in the States preparing to go and finish is degree in medicine, let’s … Read more

Art Project for the Italian Schools

CLICK HERE for the full report with pictures By IFC and ONEHOPE THE RENAISSANCE PROJECT – Italy Arts Program Aim The arts have been an important part of Italian culture for hundreds of years. Much like today’s inventive technology, the Renaissance was a time of great thinking and innovation. We want to cultivate a second Renaissance—a … Read more

August Report

August is rapidly coming to a close and in Italy the national holiday month is just about completed.  As you know, most people leave for holiday and the towns become very quiet.  It is far too hot for them because most do not have air conditioning there.  And even with the heat of the month … Read more

Giuseppe Preaches In Sigonella Sicily

Click Here To Listen To Giuseppe’s Sermon On June 20th 2014 In Sigonella Sicily

Great Happenings in Sicily June 2014

Click Here For The Full Report With Pictures #26 The Lord allowed us to have a great opportunity in sharing His Word from the end of May until Marc Eckel left the island at the end of June. All began when our friend Jeff Outland from Woodside Bible Church, our church, contacted us saying that … Read more

Sicily Evangelistic Tour 2014

Click Here For The Full Report With Pictures #27  By Marc Eckel In the spring of 2014, the Lord opened a door for SplatExperience to partner once again with missionaries Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano in Sicily, Italy. And though that whole process is an exciting story all by itself, this report is intended to let … Read more

Giuseppe’s Splat Experience 2014

This pic and the next: Giuseppe Collesano preaching in a city courtyard in Castelvetrano, Sicily standing in front of the Splat Experience presentation of “Above All.” June 4, 2014   Last Picture Giuseppe Collesano preaching the Word during a Sunday evening church service in Castelvetrano, Sicily standing in front  of the Splat Experience presentation of “No … Read more

Memorial Day weekend

We hope your Memorial Day weekend is glorious.  I decided to look up what it would say a “memorial” is and here is what it said, “something, especially a structure, established to remind people of a person or event.” We the church, those who belong to Christ, are here to be a living memorial to … Read more


Click Here For A Full Report With Pictures What a great blessing is to go to Serbia and train the local leaders coming in from all the Balkan regions! The most important quality of these leaders is their hunger to learn more and the eagerness to share how what they learn has had a crucial … Read more

HAPPY EASTER – BUONA PASQUA – From Belpasso, Sicily

As always we are at work in sharing His Word wherever we find ourselves daily. The Bible studies are going well. The study on the Gospel of Mark is coming to an end with the single sailors. The adult study on “One Way Love” by the grandson of Billy Graham is also ending and a … Read more

Update from the Collesanos – 2-2014

CLICK HERE FOR THIS REPORT WITH PICTURES Update from the Collesanos – Sicily February and March 2014 Giuseppe returned to Sicily and was extremely happy to have 70 degrees greet him because when he left Michigan it was minus 20 degrees! What a difference. It was a long trip, and returned home to find no … Read more

Milan – Youth Conference

CLICK HERE FOR THIS REPORT WITH PICTURES March 22-23 was chosen as we organized the National Conference of the Union of the Youth Of Conamad denomination in Italy, led by Ugo Sottile of Italy for Christ. More than 200 young people came to the conference and the theme was “Power For What?” The two-day seminars … Read more


CLICK HERE FOR THIS REPORT WITH PICTURES I Pastori Ugo & Meuri Sottile Sono lieti di invitarvi alla 7° Conferenza delle donne A cura della Cibei – Roma È molto importante per un cristiano essere Rinnovato e oggi questo nella vita di tutti i giorni, è sempre più difficile. La parola del Signore dice in … Read more


CLICK HERE FOR THIS REPORT WITH PICTURES How wonderful to be able to minister in a local church in the US, especially if this is the Church where Sondra and I had our first crusade and recruited the best prayer warriors ever! Rock of Ages Lutheran Brethren Church doesn’t have a pastor and is looking … Read more

Easter Spring

Greetings precious loved ones in Christ.  This April brings many things that are happening all over the world.  Officially it is spring, people are preparing their gardens, cleaning out the homes from winter storms and changing clocks and adjusting to the new hour and some still shoveling snow.  Yet, have they been preparing for one … Read more

Easter Conference Naples – April 2014

Click Here For The Full Report And Pictures Here is the report on the Easter Conference held in Naples and organized by GSC, shared with me by the young president of this ministry Tony Morra. SEND ME was the main theme of the conference organized by Generation without borders (GSC), one of the ministries IFC … Read more

HAPPY EASTER – BUONA PASQUA – From Belpasso, Sicily

Click Here For The Full Report With Pictures As always we are at work in sharing His Word wherever we find ourselves daily. The Bible studies are going well. The study on the Gospel of Mark is coming to an end with the single sailors. The adult study on “One Way Love” by the grandson … Read more

First Of The Year Report

Dear brothers and sisters, IFC has started this year in a big way. The Lord has opened so many opportunities for the ministry to reach out to the lost in Italy! This is going to be a very exciting year for our Lord and I have four reports to share with you and even four … Read more

Michigan Winter

It has been a long, cold and snowy winter here in Michigan.  Three months have gone by very quickly, and the time approaches for Giuseppe to return to Sicily. This week, Giuseppe finished teaching a Bible study on 1 John that he has been involved with these past few months with a small group of … Read more

Giving And Generosity

When we hear the words “giving” and “generosity” we typically think in terms of financial donations. Yet, as leaders we have far more to offer than money. For example, we can give people access to our personal network, or leverage our influence to help someone else gain an opportunity they wouldn’t otherwise have. In 1792, … Read more

Greetings and Happy Fall

Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ. Here we are at the third most beautiful season in the year. The second being spring when all the plants and trees are in full bloom. But you ask what season is more beautiful than fall and spring? The season of Grace! Praise the Lord that we can be … Read more

When A Heart Is Touched

Testimony From Danilo September 2013 Click Here For Report With Pictures Dear Guy, I am pleased to receive your news knowing that I have become part of your network of emerging leaders that you are mentoring and equipping. I take this opportunity to share a brief testimony about the success of how the work you … Read more

September 2013

Dear friends, Click Here For Pictures And The Report After the fruitful conferences held with Equip, and have obtained personal achievements in leadership that has been entrusted to us, I reflected and sought new strategies to use, to continue to grow in our personal preparation and better able to carry out our role of leaders … Read more

August Slow – Not in Sicily

Hello friends and supporters; Click Here For Pictures And A PDF Of Our Letter Below Thank You for Praying! Looks like summer is over and the rainy season is starting around here. And Etna has been showing her colors a bit too, with a few eruptions of the south side of the crater. We have … Read more


Dear Loved Ones, Click Here For The Report With Pictures I pray and expect this email finds all of you under the blessings of our good Lord! As for me and Sondra, we took advantage of our sky miles points and the one bedroom apartment that Sondra’s dad has in Maui, to gather the entire … Read more


Dear friends, Click Here For Photos And A Full Report We send you a short report and a photo album of our June activities. It was a blessed month. June 12-23th Thanks to Gateway Church from the Dallas, Texas, we realized our dream. We spent 11 days in Israel, together with six other couples, pastors … Read more


July/August 2013 Click Here For A Missionary Report With Photos The summer started for us with a visit to my hometown to see my parents. My dad was not feeling well; by noontime we where advised that he was getting worse. We thank the Lord for allowing us to be there at the right moment. … Read more

August 2013 Report

August usually means “ A slow month” here, but… Hello friends and supporters; Thank You for Praying! Looks like summer is over and the rainy season is starting around here. And Etna has been showing her colors a bit too, with a few eruptions of the south side of the crater. We have been blessed … Read more

Lord’s final harvest

It is exciting to realize that together with you we are strategically bringing in the Lord’s final harvest before His return! How awesome is that thought! I hope that you will enjoy the attached reports. And I still even have more too but am waiting on pictures and some updates for them. Your giving has … Read more


TO SEE A PDF REPORT WITH PICTURES CLICK HERE GIUSEPPE AND PENNIE IN SICILY 2013 Dear Loved Ones, Finally I can write you a report. I take this opportunity to thank you all for praying for us and especially during very trying times too. I did battle pneumonia in the States and was in remission … Read more


TO SEE A PDF REPORT WITH PICTURES CLICK HERE Mount Etna Volcano Continues to Erupt A tourist town just outside of Catania has been covered in ash after Mount Etna volcano erupted again. Giuseppe and Pennie shared with me the information on the further eruption of Mt. Etna. In an small town called Zafferana Etnea, … Read more


TO SEE A PDF REPORT WITH PICTURES CLICK HERE SICILY UPDATE MAY 2013 1Timothy 1:3-11 Greetings everyone from Sicily. What seems a very long time, our internet is finally back up and we are able to send a report from Sicily. As I am sure you already know Mt. Etna this year has been very … Read more

Outreach in Sicily

TO SEE A PDF REPORT WITH PICTURES CLICK HERE Outreach in Sicily – April 2013 Thank You Thank You for your prayers, words of love and encouragement, and financial support to our ministry here in Sicily and to us personally. God has been faithful and has seen fit to use us in furthering his love … Read more

Pastor Training And Graduation

TO SEE A PDF REPORT WITH PICTURES CLICK HERE ITALY FOR CHRIST PASTOR TRAINING AND GRADUATION MILAN, 2013 My name is Pastor Rodinei Bueno, happily married and father of three children. I am pastoring a church that together with IFC we have planted in the city of Brescia, located east of Milan. I am 36 … Read more

MAY – 2013

TO SEE A PDF REPORT WITH PICTURES CLICK HERE IN ALL WAYS, ACKNOWLEDGE HIM MAY – 2013 WE WILL PRAY AND SERVE (Matthew 10: 40-42) Again we are so thankful and privileged to serve with you here in Sicily in expanding His Kingdom. May started with Giuseppe still on meds for bronchitis, we are grateful … Read more

Malta Report

TO VIEW THE REPORT WITH PICTURES CLICK HERE MALTA REPORT 2013 It is always a joy to go to Malta and train, develop and encourage leaders whose main objective is evangelism and church planting! Under the leadership of the country coordinator Edwin Caruana, we have completed our fourth conference and a year from now new … Read more

June 2013 – Life Eternal

TO SEE A PDF REPORT WITH PICTURES CLICK HERE JUNE 2013 Life Eternal – Sicily Dear friends and prayer warriors, By the time you receive this report you would have celebrated our Nations celebration on the Fourth of July with family, friends, and plenty of hot dogs and hamburgers with all the trimmings. We are … Read more

May Report

Hello guys here the report for May . First of all thank you Betsy for the not so good news about our support, we will pray and serve still. Matt 10:40-42 Again we are thankful and privileged to serve with you here in Sicily in expanding His Kingdom. May started with Giuseppe still on meds … Read more

All is Well

Hello guys, all well here. It has been a long road about this bronchitis but we hope is finally over. Just finished the meds and continuing taking stuff for the seasonal allergies. The two men’s group are doing great , the American single study and the Italian too.At this moment I am helping Pastor Murabito … Read more

Mt Etna’s Activity

SICILY UPDATE MAY 2013 1Timothy 1:3-11 READ THE REPORT BELOW OR CLICK HERE FOR A PDF FILE WITH PICTURES AND THE REPORT Greetings everyone from Sicily. What seems a very long time, our internet is finally back up and we are able to send a report from Sicily. As I am sure you already know … Read more

Opening Of Churches In Itlay

Greetings to you loved one in Christ. It always amazes me that even though sometimes we cannot see what the Lord is accomplishing, yet we know we must continue to do the work that He is has given us, because it does matter! Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, … Read more

Mt Etna Active

You can put this on the header of the report,1Timothy 1:3-11. Giuseppe Collesano Italy For Christ Sicily Hello guys, Finally here is the report,we apologize for the wait.It seems that again bronchitis has returned and has made life a bit difficult. As you might know Mt.Etna this year has been very active and has caused a lot … Read more

April FC Newsletter

#14 April 2013 Family Savic READ THE REPORT BELOW OR CLICK HERE FOR A PDF FILE WITH PICTURES AND THE REPORT “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service”. 1 Timothy 1:12 We bring you news with great pleasure about the recent … Read more

Glory To The Lord

Dear loved ones, I am so blessed to be able to be the one who sends you these glorious reports of the work the Lord continues to do through the ministry Italy for Christ and Gaetano and its partners.

Election Of The New Pope

Last week the big news in Italy was the election of the new pope that has captured the attention of the masses in Italy and the world. The choice of the name by the new pope, Francesco (Pope Francis the 1st), is a sign of the will of the clergy to go back to the … Read more

Blessed Easter

Dear Loved Ones, We surely hope you had a blessed Easter! Giuseppe and Pennie are back in Italy and they are hard at work. Your love, prayers and support are such an encouragement to them.Attached is their first report for the year and there will be more coming shortly.

Pictures From Sicily

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Missionary To Italy

Greetings precious supporters, brothers and sisters of Italy for Christ! What a blessing it is to be in the family of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We have all had a very hot summer so far, but He is faithful to see us through even the hottest of days! Below is a short recap of … Read more

July Italian-American Night

By Betsy Plunkett, Italy for Christ – July, 2011 JULY ITALIAN-AMERICAN NIGHT. SHARING THE LOVE OF ITALY What an amazing family we have all over the world! Our Father has shown us the love and great support within His family tree. Let me share another experience with you. After Gaetano shared time with the wonderful church … Read more

Italy for Christ

By Betsy Plunkett, Italy for Christ – June 2012   Dear Precious Partners, I know it has been a bit since I sent you reports. I have been gathering information from all over Italy and it takes time to get great pictures and information together. But I believe your hearts will be blessed as you read the … Read more

Pray For Safe Travels

Dear Friends, Just a quickie update. Our son Josh is in Bogota, Colombia until Monday. They have been there since Sat. and have been non stop involved with different ministries. Today they are traveling to a camp run by Christian missionaries but only unsaved, unchurched children are allowed to attend the camp. Please keep him … Read more

April Showers

April showers bring May flowers except if you live in Belpasso. Sicily’s Mt. Etna has had 12 or 13 eruptions since the beginning of the year. It’s beautiful to see and it reminds us Who is in control of creation! Who is in control of our lives and of those whom we come in contact with on a daily basis.