Greetings from Michigan, where we hope winter is in the last days of gripping us with very cold temperatures. We are doing fine and staying COVID-free so far. We thank the Lord for keeping all of our family in good health. In the month of March, we will be blessed with the arrival of our fifth grandchild from John and Cristina. It is their first and we are excited to be able to be there for this awesome blessing.
We continue here with bible studies online and video, eagerly waiting for the opening of travel to Italy. As the ministry continues overseas in the midst of the pandemic, we want to express our thanks to you all for your prayers and support. Isidoro and Giuseppe are doing a great job. They recently were able to go and receive donations from Naval Air Station Sigonella and put them into our storage facility. Soon, they will be able to distribute these donations, as you can see from the photos, to needy families and share His Word.
We need your prayers. As I write this news, Italy might go back to a complete lockdown again.
The COVID variant from the UK is putting more strain on the entire country. In Italy, they use codes to determine the severity of the outbreak: Red = lockdown, Orange = limited moving only for necessity, Yellow = moving allowed in your municipality and five miles away from your place and regional movement, White = no restrictions. The only white region is the island of Sardinia, but it can change anytime. The rest of the country at this moment is half yellow and half red.
The country has taken a beating on many fronts and no one knows when it will end. Your prayers are vital as always because we know that our God is still at work and desires that no one perish. The preaching and sharing of His Word must go on.
Again, we were approached by another couple here in the States who wants to serve the Lord in Sicily or Italy. Let’s pray for the White family who are prayerfully considering serving alongside us.
Here, we are participating in helping the local community in distribution through a local church. It is a privilege to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and together we can make a difference, even in changing one heart. In the midst of all this, read again Joshua 1:9, as it will encourage you and bless you.
We love you and pray for you and hope to visit most of you in the coming months.
As always, let’s go fishing (really) for One more for The One.
Serving together with you, Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano
Ciao for now.
God bless you.