
October 2024 Newsletter

September to remember. Yes, it was a great month with lots of blessings and encounters. We are thankful to be blessed and all the praise goes to our Lord and Savior. The Collesanos celebrated their 43rd anniversary at the end of September. It was a blessing. Now Giuseppe is back in Sicily.

But let’s go back to see what happened during the month. Who doesn’t love pizza? It’s an opportunity to have a great time and opportunity to share His Gospel. Mark and Jodi are our next-door neighbors and they always come to church when the Collesanos are up north. These are encounters that mean a lot to them to show the love of God, even with pizza.

Another encounter was a visit with a supporting church where we met their new pastor. Pastor Ryan Roach is an avid fan of football (European style). They shared at Grace Chapel, the same church that sent a wonderful team to do Vacation Bible School last July up north on Bois Blanc Island. A great encounter.

David Pawlosky was a co-worker in the construction trade when Giuseppe was working with the same company. It was great to reminisce on years’ past and to look toward the future. David is a great man of God with lots of wisdom to go around — a blessed encounter after so many years.

Sometimes we do have fun with some of our supporters. Steve and Susie, our dear friends on the island, came along for a great time of fellowship and laughs. God is good for great encounters to remember. This year, we had another encounter. Bryan M was on the island and we all had a great time to have him as a guest with, you guessed it, pizza again. Homemade pizza is better!

Bryan and Giuseppe had a special song on September 22nd at the Coast Guard Chapel. Bryan played his banjo and Giuseppe his guitar for a melodious encounter. God is good. Finally the Coast Guard Chapel men are meeting in a weekly Bible study. After a few years of talking about it, it finally happened.

One more encounter: Dean and Alexandra Jounghans made it to Sicily on the 29th to meet with Giuseppe. They are aspiring to serve the Lord under Act Now Ministries. More about them in the next report. Do pray for them, like you are praying for the Hamiltons in South Carolina who are serving in a church as youth pastors. Also, pray for Chris Hamilton who is leading a group to Guatemala pretty soon. Lots of blessed encounters because of you praying and supporting.

We are very grateful for your love toward us serving together our Lord.
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for another one for the One.
God bless you for all you do for Him.
Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano, Pres. Act Now Ministries
Ciao for now.