The Importance of Our Investment!
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Serbia June 2015
Dear partners and supporters,
In our daily life we have so many things that require our prayers and investments. We all get flooded with requests and it is always our desire to be open and embrace them all.
We need, though, to examine the importance of each request and put it in the right place on our priority list.
When 7 years ago the Lord opened for IFC to minister in Serbia, I knew that I couldn’t pass it. I stretched every penny we had to invest in this great nation with a great history.
I was amazed by the hunger of the few leaders who in time multiplied and attended our leadership seminars and conferences.
This is a spot in Europe so open to the gospel where few supporters invest their prayers and finances. But in faith I went on investing believing that God was in it.
The results have been great, to the glory of God!
Churches have been planned, leaders have been able to go full time, church buildings have been constructed, business have been started by Christian leaders to show God’s power and provision to entire communities, negative cultures have been changed to reflect the values of the kingdom of God!
During this last ministry journey, I went from the northern part to the southern part of Serbia in 3 days, staying in homes and living together our faith with the local Christian families. Preached the gospel seeing many coming or committing their life to the call of God to their life!
I visited the gypsy’s community and saw the power of the gospel transforming this ethnic group from a problem to a blessing to the cities where they reside!
I have seen the many lessons I have taught been applied faithfully and resulting in a powerful and changing force in the hands of God!
I ask you to keep praying or start praying for the many opportunities God opens for IFC and, most of all, to inject more faith to our team as, literally, by faith every day we are depending on God and His provision for our daily needs both personally and for the ministry!
Keep investing on our ministry as we keep investing with all we have to add value to the people God sends our way.
Yes indeed – Together we are better!
Guy and the IFC Team