It is always a joy to go to Malta and train, develop and encourage leaders whose main objective is evangelism and church planting!
Under the leadership of the country coordinator Edwin Caruana, we have completed our fourth conference and a year from now new leaders will complete the first Volume of the Equip training.
The majority of the leaders have a ministry that goes beyond Malta and reaches especially countries in North Africa where Islam is the main philosophy of life. This makes our investment in Malta even more meaningful.
The theme of this conference was LEAVING A LIFE YOU WERE MEANT TO LIVE.
How true that very often we are living someone else dream imposed on us and not dreaming the dream that God has assigned to each and every one of us! The lesson that put wings to my teaching was the one on GIANT KILLERS! Like David against Goliath, we find giants between us and our dream!
Like David we can win if we don’t look at the giant but at what God has prepared for us. His plan for our life always comes through and this is the reason we find courage in facing and defeating the giants in our life!
On Sunday morning I preached in one of the local churches. My heart was so excited and one of the leaders who had attended the conference, based the entire service on defeating the giants walking through all the teachings learned during the conference.
I was reminded that adding value to others is our winning strategy and multiplication is the winning result of our investment!
Thank you so much for your prayers and support.
With our partnership we are multiplying our efforts right on the spot!
Let’s press on knowing that we are doing exactly what is in God’s heart!
Your Missionaries in Italy,
Gaetano and the IFC Team