
Act Now Ministries

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Greetings to you from cold Michigan!

We at Act Mow Ministries wish you all a Blessed Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.
Sometime we wish to forget about a particular month or day in our lives. Never guessed that a little cold could be so damaging. Yes at the end it was COVID, and it came with a vengeance. We have been indoors since November 22. Giuseppe was diagnosed on that day and now we hope to be out of the woods. We thank all of you who have been praying for the ministry and our family.

Ministry still goes on, but it’s very hard for Giuseppe to stay still. Even being in quarantine and being taking care of, there were still things to handle overseas. Our coworkers are very busy during this special time of the year. The Word of God does not rest till everyone hears His Gospel.

You know the command in Matthew 28:18-20; it is Go and make disciples. So we try and follow His command to the best of our abilities, and it works.

Isidoro and Giuseppe continue to bless others all over Sicily under our guidance here. Be in prayer for an outreach happening mid-December in the city of Siracusa, the same city where the Apostle Paul stopped on his way to Rome. It will be a ladies’ tea, where about 40 of them will be in attendance, plus children and husbands. God is at work in Sicily and in the country as a whole.

Also, God allowed us to bless a partner church in Nigeria. Our President Giuseppe Collesano was asked for help because of the need to have a floor for their church. We prayed and asked our band of brothers if we could help. Well, last week the floor was poured and the church rejoiced that there is no more dirt floor from now on!

Still there is lots to do. God is at work. Pray that the Lord  will provide the funds to continue the building process. They are busy on the building process of sharing His Word in the city and surrounding villages. Please also continue to pray for future servants preparing to go to Sicily and work with us in reaching One more for the One.

At this moment, there are two firmly confirmed to be on the field as soon as possible. God is at work. We will share more details as the progress continues. Sometime we think that age could limit us and we forget that He is the God of the impossible. As God is at work in these, remember He is not finished with you yet. What’s next for you? A new adventure is always on the horizon: be a participant and not a spectator.

We love you and wish you again a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please continue praying for us at Act Now Ministries to be salt and light of the world.
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for One more for the One.
Ciao for now,
Giuseppe Collesano, President of Act Now Ministries