
Giuseppe & Pennie Collesano Update

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Greetings from Troy MI, finally we might get to say goodbye to winter. At this time Sicily they are going through rough weather with heavy rains, tornadoes, cyclones and more. Here all calm, and in the calm of the day Jesus said these indelible words: Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men, Matthew 4:19.

We find the same invite again in the other Gospels. That is why in our correspondence we close with the saying: “Let’s go fishing (really) for souls”. I borrowed this saying from a good friend of mine David, now with the Lord after serving in Uzbekistan for many years. It seems quite easy to do the following; but requires also the living, the sayings and the practicing of Jesus. All of this can be accomplished when we follow Him and abide in Him.

The month of February was a slow month here because of the weather we had but always keeps us busy in sharing about the situation in Sicily and the work that we are doing there. The refugee crisis continues and actually is getting harder for the refugees to leave Italy. The borders are almost closed to them. It is foreseen that this year alone more than half million will come, this time belief is that they will remain because of the other countries stopping the flow into their economies.

The work continues with the distribution and outreach with faithful believers like Isidoro, young Micah and the ones that go along to ease the suffering of the refugees. Our page GoFundMe about urgent aid to the refugees is still available to you to help. Also continues supplying The Word for them, a copy of the bible to every refugee.

This month saw us sharing in Ina at a brand new church, a church planted here with the goal of reaching 500 for this year with His Gospel. That means that Light for Today Church is evangelizing non-believers with His Word, and have been the hands and feet of Our Lord. It can be done even here in America, pray for them.

I preached there at the end of the month when Pastor Chris Palmeri was teaching and preaching in Sicily and northern Italy. Their desire is to come alongside us in the work in Sicily and to reach one more for Christ.

We are also finalizing the program and visit to Sicily for our dear friend Pastor Vallen Prest. He will minister there from May 5 through May 17. Pray that the church will be receptive to the teachings and preaching.

As you remember last summer we had splatexperience with Marc Eckel go to Sicily, and again splatexperience with Marc Eckel is going this June for a month of intensive evangelism all over Sicily. Please pray and support this great opportunity for many to hear and see what our Savior died for, so that more will be added to the kingdom.

We are in the process of bringing teams for one to two weeks to Sicily to help with the work. Already we have interest from local churches to receive these teams to help them reach their own communities. Here we have a couple of our supporting churches desiring to send them. Pray.

We ask you to pray also for the establishing of ACT Ministries alongside Italy for Christ, a non-profit organization based here in Michigan to further the work and ministry that you and we are partners in. This came about years ago when some of our supporters desired to be involved thoroughly in the many avenues of reaching one more for Christ. All of this is still in the works.

Pray also for our kids and the changes that they are going through, all positive changes, we are blessed. Joshua resigned from our church last month to take a position in another church in the area. Benjamin is looking for a better opportunity for work and serve, by the time you receive this it might have happened. Cristina is going forward with her career in the Navy, the rest we can’t say yet. The grandkids are growing and give us the joy of once a week to babysit, till Giuseppe returns to Sicily April 24.

Someone asked: how come you are in the States for 3-4 months at the time? As many of you know, the rules are that if you serve 3 years away, you should spend a year home. We are doing it so that we are freshly involved with you that support us. Also in the last 3 years Giuseppe lost his dad in Sicily, Pennie lost both her parents here, this time we are dealing with the distribution of the estate and visiting as many of you that we can.

We are doing support raising because the economy changes all over the world and we have to be good stewards of what the Lord allows us through you to receive each month. We are privileged to serve, and we are grateful of your sacrificial giving. That’s why we ask you to pray. And together we can be fishers of men. God bless you.

Thank you for your love.

Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano

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