Greetings partners and supporters of Act Now Ministries. Thank you for all you do to help us to proclaim His Gospel!
Usually August in Sicily is one of the slowest months of the year. Not so this year. August is the month when most of the stores close for a long vacation either by the sea or mountains. This year, it was quite different, as you know, from the pullout of our American troops from Afghanistan and the evacuation of more than 100,000 people. We as a family took time to visit up north for a couple of weeks and preach at the Chapel. We also invited one of our faithful supporters of the ministry to preach at one of the Sunday services.
Pastor Vallen Prest and his wife Becky were our guests. Pastor Vallen heads up Ancient Future Ministries and, from which we receive bibles for the refugees arriving in Sicily. These refugees are continuing their trek across the Mediterranean Sea. So far, another 500 have drowned this year.
The island of Lampedusa is overrun by the arrival of more than 3,000 refugees. Usually in a normal week, around 500 people arrive there, putting a strain on an island that can accommodate no more than 500 of them.
We are blessed. On August 19, we welcomed Zoe Alyse to our family, born to Ben and Aly. Everybody is doing great. Thank you for your prayers.
As soon we heard about the airlift, Giuseppe got in touch with our coworkers in Sicily and actively put in place the resources available to us. Our storage facility was already full with clothes, toys and more needed to assist at the Navy Base. Giuseppe La China, Isidoro Cavallaro, and a service member with the Marines, Natalie M, filled up their cars and delivered all items to the Base. It took more than one trip but thanks to you, we were able to help.
Also, a partner church near the Navy Base, New Hope Christian Center, mobilized their members and did an awesome job responding to the need at hand.
Giuseppe reports from Sicily that people that were helped before by Act Now Ministries came forward with collected clothes, toiletries, toys and more as a thank you because of help received by us in the past. God is at work in the hearts touched by the Gospel.
Prayer is the most effective tool that we have right now, to pray for the Christians left behind in a very hostile environment. Their faith is being tested like never before. Do take time to pray. Also, reports indicate that there are still some Americans left behind. Pray. We will do as much as we can with your help and support.
Please visit our Facebook page where we post the latest news, or head to Thank you for allowing us to be a voice of the gospel and hands and feet serving the ones that need it most.
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for One more, for The One.
Serving together, Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano.
God bless you.
Ciao for now.