February 2024 Newsletter

Greetings from cold Michigan! Yes, we know, that’s the way it is, life in the Great Lakes. January went so fast, but nonetheless it was a blessed month and we thank the Lord for that. A lot has happened and many have been blessed because of your prayers and your action in being involved in a practical way. The Collesanos were supposed to go to Virginia to meet the newest arrival in the family but influenza prevented them from going. For almost two weeks, we waited to make sure we were free of any symptoms before going. It was a blessing to see them all. God is good.
In the meantime, a plea came from Palermo. If you can recall, Giuseppe was able to buy Christmas cakes for at least four dinners for the homeless and for an event at a children’s hospital. Because of your faithfulness, Act Now Ministries was able to help then and even mid-January. Because of government cutbacks, the number of people in need has doubled, but God is always ready in answering prayers. You remember when our Lord told His disciples: the poor will always be with you.
Our co-laborers are a blessing right now, as you can see from this batch of photos, thanks to you and new partners that He has provided to respond to this crisis. Giuseppe is in the States for the moment, so it has taken a lot of coordinated effort to serve the least of these. Always, we aim not only to meet the physical needs but primarily the souls of God’s creatures. Our volunteers in Catania’s general area, Giuseppe Lachina and Isidoro Cavallaro, have been responding effectively to Giuseppe during this time. Three pallets of food, along with two pallets of clothing and toiletries, have arrived in Palermo. God is good. We were able to send funds to buy much-needed milk and other necessities for infants, plus the purchase of a machine to help a newborn breathe. God answers our prayers; thank you.
Also, we want to recognize and acknowledge Erin O for responding and acting upon the need. In addition, a foundation here in Michigan stepped up and was of great help. Pray specifically for one more blessing in disguise: we have the possibility of receiving 21 pallets of food shipped from the USA to Palermo free of charge. Praise the Lord with us. As our storage is empty now from the clothes, it will soon be refilled with donations from the American Navy base nearby. God is good. As you can see in the photos, we continue to be mindful of reaching the people with the Gospel of Christ.
We can’t thank you enough for supporting the ministry in Sicily and beyond. More to come. Serving together, Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano.
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for one more for the One.
God bless you.
Ciao for now.