Click Here for April 2018 Newsletter PDF
Family Time and Ministry in Michigan and Indiana
As we write this report, it seems that winter has finally ended. Here in Michigan, they say that if you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change. It surely does happen: one day is 40 degrees and the next is in the 70s. Living here, you just get used to it. For sure, time flies by quickly when you have a good time!
During our time together as a family, Cristina came for a short visit so that she could meet our fourth grandchild, Charlotte Irene. Memories are made during these special moments.
We ask to pray for the two young volunteers that will be going with Giuseppe to Sicily, working alongside the ministry there. Mark and Micah will be a part of the work there for five weeks. A small short-term team will arrive at the end of May to minister to Italian churches and the refugees that are housed in camps across Sicily.
We had an opportunity to share the vision and purpose of Act Now Ministries in a local church in Indiana. We hope real soon to have a team coming over to become a part of the ministry in Sicily. Since our visit last year in Sardinia, we have received an invite to go back and strengthen the small local churches there. Together, we can do it.
It is refreshing to see the results of our help to the refugees in starting up local indigenous churches all over Italy. We are grateful to lend assistance to local churches with the necessary literature and material to reach their neighbors. This crisis, which seems to be nowhere near ending, has affected the entire continent of Europe. We as Christian will continue to reach out to our new neighbors without forgetting our old neighbors — the almost 60 million Italians who are still prisoners of a religious system.
The world around us needs to Hear the Truth: John 8:32. You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. We thank you for your love and partnership in His work.
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for one more.
Serving together,
Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano
Ciao for now.