Annual Winter Youth Retreat
January 2015
Click Here For A PDF Report With Pictures
What a great youth leader conference we had this last weekend in Rome! We had leaders coming both from the North and South Italy. We also had the honor of once again have Paul Walker, Colin and Melissa Piper, Mark Oestreicher and several others join us from OneHope of Florida.
The time was intense and the interaction was incredibly fruitful. Many ministry resources were presented at the conference.
From the new edition of My Story, printed in 150,000 copies ready to be distributed in the schools, to new apps that will allow young people to tell their story and put it on social networks in a few minutes as well as games highlighting the power of the gospel.
From the art contest involving students from many high schools that will result in open air evangelism to over 100 ways to present the gospel with objective lessons for kids 6 to 12 years old.
Isolated ministries have been able to develop true partnerships with other ministries and plans have been made for cooperation starting as early as spring 2015.
During the plenary sessions we studied the new culture among young people and how this change requires a new approach to draw them to the message of the gospel.
The three needs of the young people , identity- behavior- belonging, have been prioritized, discovering that their primary search TODAY is for belonging which brings them to try a new behavior that reflects the values of the kingdom of God. Only when this behavior truly touches their heart, they are ready to embrace their new identity in Christ.
This approach was an eye opener for many youth leaders who returned home fired up and ready to roll, with their local ministries, along those lines!
Once again the partnership Italy for Christ/Onehope has been able to add value to local ministries throughout our nation of Italy reflecting our model of equipping and empowering emerging leaders and ministries to accomplish their mission.
Thank you for your prayers and financial support, together we have started once again a new year with much enthusiasm and expectation projecting a strategy that will bring many young people to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Indeed, we are better together!
Guy and the IFC Team