Matthew 28:18-20
Dear friends and faithful supporters of the ministry that our God has called us into here in Sicily and beyond:
We do serve an Awesome God. Your prayers have been answered and He has used us here in a marvelous way. Act Now Ministries received the first team here in Sicily for a trip to Sardinia, the other major island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Almost three years ago, God put in Giuseppe’s heart the desire to visit this island with the purpose to encourage the churches there. The only thing he knew was that the average attendance was between 10 to 20 believers in each church. It was his desire to advance the gospel there that this trip came to life. The team was made of a retired doctor, a retired dentist, a General Motors engineer, a national transportation truck company employee and Pastor Vallen Prest.
This team was awesome, all of them with Giuseppe past the age of 55. After they arrived in Sicily, the customary pizza was the easiest meal to have around 10 p.m. in Castelvetrano.
We took an overnight ferry to the island, a 12-hour trip. We ministered every day starting on Sunday till the following Friday afternoon.
Pastor Vallen had a series of messages for the churches in Sardinia and Sicily geared toward serving and doing outreaches where the churches are located. We started in Oristano at the Chiesa Cristiana Evangelica where Gianpaolo is the elder that guides the church. Giuseppe was the translator for the trip. The next day, we went to Quartu Sant’Elena where Gianpaolo also teaches a bible study. If we were to describe with a word how the Lord showed up, it would be awesome. Not only did we have a great time of sharing in His Word wherein a team member shared his testimony, they begged us to come back again, literally, with tears in their eyes. We were blown away by their love for The Word.
Being centrally located was a good thing, so that we were able to visit many places. We went to Siniscola to minister at Comunita’ Cristiana Evangelica, which is located northeast of Oristano almost two hours away. There, Pastor Vallen shared about Peter’s leap of faith when Jesus invited him to come out of the boat. Always with the testimony of a team member, we saw how God spoke to the church. They asked again that we could come back for teaching, training and evangelism.
On our return trip to Oristano, we encountered a storm with dense fog, which made our trip longer than usual. God had a purpose in it. With us was Stefano, Gianpaolo’s son in law that we were following on this day to Siniscola. Before we separated for the night, he approached Giuseppe and told him: I am taking a leap of faith tonight, and handed him 50 Euro, around $55. He said “I want your help to evangelize more of my people here.” WOW, His Word never comes back without results.
He is going to visit Luca, a new contact who wants to know more of the Bible. We serve an Awesome God.
Again on Friday, we visited the Quartu church and enjoyed a big cookout with lots of local meat and a great time of fellowship. We shared from the Word and testimonies before taking the ferry back to Sicily. We landed in Sicily on Saturday morning and travelled to Giuseppe’s hometown for another service there. Again, we had a full church and a great response to the message and testimonies from the team. Sunday morning and Sunday night, the team shared in the African church and the Italian church in Castelvetrano. The team left this past Monday early in the morning for the States. Maybe you can come with the next team?
Ask what God can do with you. A pastor, a doctor, a dentist, a transportation employee, a GM engineer and a missionary all past the age of 55, but young in Christ willing to respond to Act 1:8. We at Act Now Ministries count a privilege to serve Our Awesome God and we thank you for your faithfulness to him.
God bless you.
Let’s go fishing ( really ) for souls.