1Timothy 1:3-11
Greetings everyone from Sicily. What seems a very long time, our internet is finally back up and we are able to send a report from Sicily.
As I am sure you already know Mt. Etna this year has been very active and has caused a lot of distress all around us. The ashes have fallen in a couple of towns and had even been reaching the mainland. So far we have counted up to 20 eruptions, but we are safe on the west side of it. Because of Mt. Etna, we go from 80 degree temperatures to 50 degrees in a matter of hours, fun, no wonder we have been ill. Aside from this we want to share what has been happening here since the last report.
The markets are going well and you can see the activities from a couple of our photos. Giuseppe was again was invited to preach in Ramacca at Pastor Antonio Guadagno’s church and Mario came to hear the message, the guy in the middle.
The market in Catania is in full swing with a lot of interest from the passersby. The Lord is stirring the hearts of these precious people. A lady stopped and read the literature before continuing her shopping. The Lord gives us the tools to plant the seed, because of your help, and only He can cultivate that seed and make it grow. The local church is very encouraged by our presence there and is grateful for all our help. Thank you for making this possible!
Giuseppe G. comes faithfully with our Giuseppe when he is free to the market to share his testimony. Isn’t this exactly what our job is to be! He is a great help being from the same neighborhood. In the last report Giuseppe mentioned that finally they have started a men’s study group in Catania, the group averages from four to seven and we are praying for growth. Giuseppe and Pastor Murabito hope to disciple these men and mold them to be proactive in their faith. Do remember to pray for them, most of them have experienced life in prison, but we know Who can break the chains and set us free!
Once in while Giuseppe is able to visit the American men’s group too. They are still meeting even though the group leader left for the States two weeks ago because of his work and family. Praise the Lord for this encouragement!
The market in Belpasso continues to grow. Antonio and Santo are the ones that Giuseppe sees often and shares the Word with them in a more personal way. Isn’t it glorious to be in the right place at the right time!
As many of you know Giuseppe’s parents are in a nursing home since they cannot take care of themselves. They just finished celebrating his 89th birthday. This has been quite an adjustment to their lives, they are doing much better though. When they went to visit them at the same time they also visited some friends in town. Little did they know they would go back so quickly. They visited on Wednesday the 17 of April and had to go back that Saturday for the funeral of Pino, a friend and brother of 35 years went home to be with the Lord. Because the local Christian church was too small, the funeral was held in a Catholic church. The service was done by the local pastor and Giuseppe was asked to share in the service. The youth group from his church sang, and we were able to share the Gospel of salvation to around 600 people in attendance. The church was filled and overflowed into the square for more than an hour even with occasional rain. We are thankful to the Lord for Pino’s life and testimony that touched so many. Praise the Lord for using every moment in one’s life to bring others the precious word of salvation! Pray that the seed will bring fruit in due time for His glory.
We ask that you continue to pray for us as we continue the work here in Sicily and all over Italy. Please also pray for these requests:
For health, that our bodies will remain strong and healthy and the temple of the Lord.
For the financial support that is a necessity to grow so that the work of the Lord can continue.
For the opportunity to serve our service members here twice a week at the Navy base. More on this later.
That the Lord will continue to open doors for preaching all around Sicily and Italy.
That Mt. Etna will quiet down and we can breathe clean air.
Pray also for our families.
Thank you for standing with us, going with us, and giving to us for His work here in Italy.
God bless you.
By the way – Let’s go fishing (Really) for souls.
Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano
Partnering with Italy For Christ Sicily