



Pope Francis has just issued 2 historical statements!

First one to the Mexican television, saying that he believes his papacy will be rather brief.  The second one is that he has declared a year of the Jubilee from December 8, 2015 through November 20, 2016.  This is 10 years ahead of the regular one that was planned for 2025!

Usually the Jubilee happens every 25 years, and many of the supporters of IFC surely remember our many outreaches during the year 2000. More than 600,000 New Testaments alone handed out. 

The year of the Jubilee is the year of the plenary indulgences, when the pilgrims coming to Rome and passing through one of the doors of the 4 basilicas, will have their sins forgiven and their faith renewed! 

In the year 2000, IFC produced in partnership with the American Bible Society, over 1 million New Testaments that were distributed among the pilgrims in the many evangelistic events planned throughout the entire year. As a result thousands made decisions for CHRIST and many churches were born! 

Now, in the midst of a moral crisis hitting Europe and the world, a financial crisis that is killing millions of families, a growing decline in every area of civilized societies and the terror produced by ISIS and extreme Islam, it is no wonder why Pope Francis believes that the year of the Jubilee can be an event of paramount importance!

In the year 2000, we had over 3 years to get ready for a year-long evangelization in Rome. Now we have only a few months to produce evangelistic literature ad hoc for the event as well as preparing many teams to come and help us proclaim the changing power of the Gospel of Jesus!

Therefore, this first press release that I am issuing to you is meant to challenge the worldwide Christian family to join us in prayer, as we must move fast to produce effective partnerships for this unprecedented evangelistic opportunity! 

In the light of eschatology, this upcoming year of the Jubilee can be one of the last chances we have to proclaim in freedom the truth of the gospel!

My heart cry to the many churches that have a heart for evangelism is to prepare teams to do evangelistic ministry with us in the open air while pilgrims are waiting to walk through the doors of the basilicas. As they wait we can share about Jesus, the real door to a permanent salvation!

Pray for me as I am making contacts with potential partners in ministry to draw them to Rome, Caput Mundi, in 2016 with the objective of sharing our resources together for an unprecedented harvest of souls!

I know that many of you have made plans for the future but I pray that this call will come to you like the Macedonian call came to the apostle Paul some 2000 years ago!  Don’t hesitate to respond to me as soon as the Holy Spirit moves your heart, and we will see what we can do together during this special time!

IFC has the experience, the credibility and the connections to make the most out of your investment in terms of human resources and finances. 

Hoping to hear from you very soon!