January 2022 Newsletter
The Collesanos wish you all a very Blessed Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year; a fruitful one for His glory. Thank you for all you do for the Lord.
We at Act Now Ministries hope that you and yours had a blessed Christmas and a hopeful start to the New Year filled with expectations that the Lord can use you to reach one more for Him. For the Collesanos, it has been a trying time, especially over the last couple of months due to COVID hitting our family.
Giuseppe is the most affected at this moment and is recovering slowly from it. Some of you have been aware of it and we thank you for your prayers. Still God is at work in Sicily, North Italy, and Nigeria. Some of the pictures will show God’s love being poured out through our partners and coworkers.
At this time, we would like to encourage you with some words from the Bible.
Philippians 2:5 -7 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.

This is Christmas, God coming to us in Jesus His Son. By His Will, He emptied Himself, not abandoning who He was but laying aside to meet us in our need; He became a man, not just a baby in a manger. God to fulfill His purpose of redemption sent us His best Gift. The Supreme Somebody Became Nobody, for somebody like you and me. What was a surprise for the shepherds that night, for us now is a reality in our hearts of God’s love. The Son who was about to become incarnate was possessed of the glory of God, the likeness of God, the image of God, the splendor of God, indeed, everything that makes God God. Everything that caused the angels to adore God was there in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Coming in the very form or nature of God, Jesus didn’t consider equality with God something to be grasped. In other words, instead of holding on to his own uninterrupted glory, he chose to set it aside. Paul tells us that “he made himself nothing” or literally “himself he emptied,” or he made himself of no reputation.
He became nothing to became a servant. He was wrapped in swaddling clothes, later He is wrapped in a towel to wash the Disciples’ feet, God demonstrating love to you and me.
This year and the previous one have been difficult for sure for each one of us. The new year is at the door; how will we demonstrate His love to the world around us? How will we impact even one soul this coming year? Are we willing to empty ourselves in order to serve others? Yes, we can. God is at work in us in order to finish the work started in a manger and culminating at the cross. Let all of us make a point in praying how He can best use the least of us for His Glory.
God bless you in the coming days that He will make known to each of us His purpose in our lives to fulfill His Will. That will that at this moment is perfectly done in heaven.
We take this opportunity to thank you for your prayers and support for the ministry wherever we find ourselves serving.
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for One more for the One.
Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano
President of Act Now Ministries
Ciao for now