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We serve an Awesome God. This is a statement that needs no explanation. He uses us even when we think that because our resources are low it cannot be done, He does great things. We can also say that because of our awesome partners that labor with us, yes you, even six thousand miles away, you who are praying, giving and so much more, we can say Thank You for your love toward the Kingdom.
This month was terrific, with lots of opportunities. The singles study, Warriors for Christ is going well with new people attending, remember every three years there is a turnover with people leaving and arriving at the navy base here. They are always eager to learn, to serve, to change the world.
We just finished a two week outreach in five churches and a couple of refugee camps here with Pastor Vallen Prest from Michigan. With Pastor Prest we were reminded about the need to descend into greatness. Please read Matthew 18:1-5. His teaching and preaching showed to the churches that our ultimate goal is to serve, because He came to serve, not to be served. Another part of the message can be summed up in a couple of words: If you want to live, you have to die, die to self and see others first. That is the reason why we are here.
A few weeks back I took a sailor to the airport, he was going on leave, as soon he arrived in the States he contacted me and said: I got on the plane and was able to share the gospel to a couple sitting next to me. Awesome God! He also shared that he realized that once he spent a couple of days at home that our faith his not tested or proved like it is in Europe. The little fish beyond our car bumpers does not do the Work that He called us to do. Let’s all go fishing ( really ) for souls.
I also shared about the need of English bibles for the many refugees that arrive here on a daily basis, so far 120 thousand. With the help of Pastor Prest we have received two thousand bibles, already with one thousand been giving to different camps as you can see from the photos. Also we collaborating with ELIM mission here to facilitate their outreach with the refugees, the Pipitone family has been a blessing during the arrival of the many that seek a better life. We present them with a better Eternity. Donations for the bibles at www.refugeebible.com Awesome God! Not only this, but even the local churches and believers have been motivated by you and us to be a part of this need. Some have donated clothes, food, toiletries and more. Awesome God!
If you double click this link you can enjoy their praise for receiving the Bibles. Another way to say thank you. (Sorry it is upside-down)
On the home front , we will be in the States visiting from November till February to be present with you and share how Awesome our God is. Pennie is already in the States with our daughter Cristina in California where she served in the Navy. Most of you know that her service dog passed away, Zizi was a great service dog and companion to her. Please remember Nina in your prayers.
The boys are doing fine , Josh always occupied at Woodside Bible Church serving with the gifts that God has given him. Benjamin is an asset at Heritage Church playing in the praise band in both churches. What can I say about the grand kids? They are growing and are delightful to see them on FaceTime , soon face to face. And I am blessed beyond compare with Pennie, the Love of my life, for 33 years and going to 300. We have an Awesome God!
Also you can participate in reaching the people here by purchasing the book , The Man In the Black Cape; Marc Eckel wrote it as I narrated the story and it is on kindle if you would like to buy it. Here is a little taste of it. “The promise of a rainy day leads one man toward the small Sicilian town of Castelbuono and the story of The Man in the Black Cape. Retracing the steps of this true Italian tale leads to lessons that are life-changing. The final chapter follows the journey of missionary Giuseppe Collesano from religious rebellion to a relationship with Jesus Christ”. With the money from the sale we hope to translate it in Italian to be given away for free to evangelize.
Let’s serve together. We love you and thank you for your partnership with us. Let us know how we can serve you during our visit in the States. You can reach us via email, and phone at 248-247-6844.
God Bless You,
Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano
Partnering with Italy for Christ