Greetings to our friends and supporters of Act Now Ministries:
By now, you should know that we have founded and established Act Now Ministries Inc. for the work here in Sicily and beyond. We are encouraged by your continued support on all fronts. We are a non-profit organization with a board in the United States. The Lord has blessed us with faithful people that will help guide and direct the ministry that for the past years has developed and grown.
As always here on the frontline, there is not one day that we are not called to serve. The invitation for you to come and experience it is still open. This month, we saw the arrival of Emmanuel from Germany as a volunteer for two and a half months before he headed up for university studies in agriculture. He is of great help. When we were called to help 10 needy Sicilian families with food, we set up a big table and for three hours served those in need.
Sometime people ask Giuseppe: how do you measure success? Good question. The answer is better described by this photo of young Micah at the Navy base in Catania. He was presented with the Eagle Scout award, and Giuseppe was there to rejoice with him and his family. At the end, Micah shared that he desired to pin three people that have had an impact on his life.
Giuseppe was sitting there enjoying the ceremony until he was called to the podium as the first to be pinned by Micah for being a mentor and guide to him in achieving his award. From spectator to being publicly honored, it was a very humbling experience. The glory goes only to God that uses each one of us to serve Him.
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Sometimes we do have some fun here, like a cookout with an entire camp of refugees and the personnel too. At Act Now, we strive to present His Word to the people that we come in touch with. This was yet another occasion to share.
For you dear friends that follow us, Giuseppe posted about Barbara’s need for prayer regarding the possibility of cancer. Well, she is cancer free! By the time you will receive this letter, she will have gone through surgery to remove the benign nodule and back to her normal life. PTL.
No, Giuseppe was not arrested by the police, but was able to share the gospel with the entire detachment and a group of soldiers from the Italian Army. They are serving to keep the peace at this first entry camp for the refugees. By the way, not everyone can go there. With God we can.
When you in the States were getting ready for the Memorial Day weekend, we were at work here. No, not arrested.
Inspector Pisciotta called us in an emergency, so we saddled up to fulfill the need. He had a choice, the inspector: either write a ticket or help the people. That’s when he called Giuseppe.
There was a family of four adults basically starving and they needed our help. We orchestrated everything in less than an hour, and the people’s need was met, with a copy of the New Testament. We are able to serve because we know we have you at home praying and interceding for us here, so thank you.
This past Sunday, we had a group from Palermo join us for two services here in Castelvetrano and a big barbecue with Giuseppe’s grill. The pastor from the church preached in the African church, and Giuseppe translated to a full house. Later in the afternoon, we held the service for the Italian church. A great time of fellowship and food!
How can you go wrong?
Jesus invites us to follow and he will make us fishers of man; Matthew 4:19.
How can you go wrong?
It is a privilege to serve our Lord, and a privilege to know that together we are doing it.
Again thank you for your love.
God bless you.
Let’s go fishing ( really ) for souls.
Your servants with Act Now Ministries
Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano.