Greetings to all of you friends and supporters of Act Now Ministries, and a big thank you for being in the trenches with us.
Not too long ago, Germany was in the eye of the storm with lots of rain and floods. Giuseppe’s cousin, the president of the mission, lost all their belongings on their first floor and now they are rebuilding. Two weeks ago, Sicily was in the eye of a storm called Medicane (a Mediterranean hurricane) that brought almost a year of rain in three hours’ time in the province of Catania. Lots of devastation and lives lost. Thank you for praying.
Well, it is still raining in Sicily and just this past weekend, it was the Siracusa province that got a similar storm. More damage and lives lost. Please do continue to pray for Giuseppe’s place of birth. The cleanup has started in order to have open roads and communication reestablished. Even the Navy housing received more rain than they can handle. Everybody is all hands on deck now to bring some kind of normalcy back.
Between all the chaos, when it can be done, our coworkers get it done. Even for a little child that has started reading about creation through one of our children’s coloring book bibles: “Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Toys and clothes are collected and given out with the Word of God.
Good news from Nigeria, where months back, we partnered with a local ministry. They are going village to village on a little boat preaching the gospel. The Bibles that we sent are being well received. Also, we have helped a group of brothers install a cement floor for their meeting place. We hope and pray that not only the floor but the rest of the structure can soon be enclosed for their services. Do pray for them and Brother Sam who leads the evangelistic effort there.
In the midst of this, we rejoice with our daughter and son in law on the dedication of their firstborn Evan. Here Proverbs 23:6 is so fitting. We hope that by the time you receive this letter, Isidoro and Giuseppe will be traveling to Siracusa to give a full bedroom set to a family in need and also help a local little church for a special event. Pray for safety in travel.
By the way, Mt. Etna is still very active. Don’t you wish that the Lord will return soon? From what we see and hear, we hope so. In the meantime, we can say that there is not a dull moment in serving Him today. We wish all of you a Blessed Thanksgiving season, and we do have a Reason for the Season.
God bless you.
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for One more for The One.
Ciao for now,
Giuseppe Collesano, President of Act Now Ministries