December Newsletter 2022

Greetings from not-so-sunny Sicily! Yes, winter is indeed here. Etna is covered with fresh snow already, and we are all feeling the cold. This year, many will double down on blankets because of high prices for fuel. Some cannot afford the fuel and are huddling in a room with a propane heater. Most of the houses here have central heat but it’s too costly to turn on.
Here, I turn it on for an hour or so then put on a coat. Gasoline is down a bit, still 7$ per gallon. We are helping wherever we can: blankets, clothes and propane heaters for some Albanian families. We are not forgetting to give out His Word.
Due to some outreaches, Act Now Ministries has facilitated and helped in the prison ministry here in Catania prisons. Just recently, a prisoner of his undoing was free from sin and reintroduced himself in society. Many more are waiting for clothes and basic necessities even in prison with no heat, no hot water, and not much more of anything else.
It has been quite a busier month than expected , but who is complaining? Aside from a bout with some form of influenza for a week, we have been plugging along well. God is good. We want to remind you of it and of what He is doing through the ministry here and abroad. Little Salvatore and his family are doing very well in Palermo; they are very much appreciative of your love and for ANM being there when needed.
After being in the northern part of Italy where the month before we did a baptism, we are happy to report that Mark is in a church and not home alone. He is enjoying the fellowship of the saints. God is answering our prayers and yours.
We also want to share about a couple visiting in Sicily and Castelbuono, the hometown of Giuseppe Collesano. He was able to share at large and in detail about the gospel. Now they are back in Germany and have been in touch with Giuseppe. Keep on praying for their salvation please.
Giuseppe long ago was invited to preach in Naples, eight hours away from Sicily, to a large African church. He was able through to bring much needed materials for their local outreach. God has provided for everything. We are expected to go back for baptisms and for a week seminary on a topic to be determined. God is good.
What a blessing after six or seven years to reconnect with the Fortuna family that worked alongside the Collesanos in establishing the church in Acireale in 2006. They are currently pastoring a church in Catania where Giuseppe just preached on Monday night. Well, any night is a good night to preach His Word! The Fortunas reminded Giuseppe about how impactful they were in their lives, especially of Pennie who taught Sunday school to their children. God has truly blessed us even when we have been separated for such a long time.
As Christmas approaches, we were asked to supply material for the prisons, such as toothpaste and toothbrushes for the children of people in the penitentiary system.
Also, a local Culver’s restaurant donated about 50 soccer balls, and we were able to share the gospel with lots of families. We are serving an amazing God and with you all on our side, we are changing lives. Praise the Lord.
Soon, Giuseppe will return to the States to spend the holiday with family, friends and supporters. We have a reason to celebrate His birth and also our birth because of His death on the cross. Thank you so much for your love and support.
God bless you for standing in the gap.
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for one more for the One.
Serving together, Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano President of Act Now Ministries
Ciao for now.