August 2024 Newsletter

Wow, what a month July was! We hope and pray that you were blessed too. Because of your praying and donating, lots of things are happening in Sicily and Italy. Currently, we are helping close to 15 churches with literature for their outreaches. One of the churches is already asking for more because they ran out of bibles and NTs.
July started with the coming to Bois Blanc Island of a group of 15 from Grace Chapel Waterford Michigan. Giuseppe asked if they could bring their VBS program to reach the children on the island. Riley, a fifth grader, accepted the Lord on the weekend of the Fourth of July. God is good. The following Sunday, she came to church with her mom. The youth Pastor brought His Word to us; what a blessing. Thank you for praying.
Giuseppe as usual preached at the Chapel the following Sunday. During this time, ANM sponsored four children at a summer Bible camp in Sicily, just 4 thousand km away. We hope to start a scholarship where we can send kids to that camp with the inclusion of children who have never heard the gospel. Do pray that together we can do that.
At the moment, we are praying about a request from a friend of ours about establishing a campground and church property near Catania. Thanks for praying in advance for that too. It was Giuseppe’s turn again to preach on the 28th about Mission Sunday. We thank the Lord that a small community of believers at the Chapel helps four missionary couples around the world.
Giuseppe represented Act Now Ministries, then introduced a couple that served with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Malaysia, another couple in Nicaragua, and one in Panama and Africa. It was a blessing to all present. Let His Word be heard in every corner of the world; silence won’t save anyone. We ask you to pray for the Jounghans. They will be in Sicily for a week visiting with Giuseppe. Their desire is to follow where God will lead them. Two years ago, Dean served with us in Sicily for almost two weeks. At that time, we had Ukrainian refugees in Sicily. Dean speaks four to five languages already. He preached in Italian and spoke in Russian with the refugees.
Continue to pray for the Hamiltons, Chris and Alicia. Currently, they are serving at a church in South Carolina in preparation to serve in Sicily. Another prayer request is rain. Sicily is in the worst draught it has seen in years. Livestock are suffering, as are harvests of any kind. You might have heard that in some places, tourists are turned away for lack of water. We do have a great God. He is the Great Provider and nothing is impossible to Him. Here in Michigan, we have gotten too much rain in some parts.
In the meantime, we are blessed to have and spend time with our kids, visiting from out of state and with our sons in state. It was great to see all of our grandchildren while trying to spoil them too.
Thank you again for standing with us in serving our great Lord and Savior.
We wish you a blessed summer.
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for one more for the One.
God bless you.
Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano
Ciao for now.