It is exciting to realize that together with you we are strategically bringing in the Lord’s final harvest before His return! How awesome is that thought! I hope that you will enjoy the attached reports. And I still even have more too but am waiting on pictures and some updates for them.
Your giving has made Gaetano’s leading Italy for Christ for over 30 years, fulfill his greatest joy which has always been to give and add value to others. The life of numberless people in Italy and beyond has changed eternally because of our giving in terms of time, treasures and resources, Thank You!
When we think about partnership, we believe it should be a way to invest and actively multiply ourselves in order to make a greater impact on the nations and the people we are serving. IFC has and will continue enhancing ministries and emerging leaders that we are building and training in order to make a greater and long lasting impact for the Kingdom in this generation and also strive to teach the next generation to take over where we leave off.
We believe that IFC in partnership with you is one of the few ministries in Italy, more widely, Europe that wants to add value to others in order to help them reach their full potential in serving our Lord. Throughout our 30 years in ministry, we have faithfully served and continue to serve the entire nation of Italy and we have followed the Great Commission by reaching out to our nation and other nations who are desperately seeking to be ready to give an account of the ministry work done. You are making this possible.
We must say that our team, which includes you, has a strong sense of expectation and true desire to put the success of the kingdom of God above any other single need. Our model has always been multiplication. We have never tried to become bigger as an organization but always aimed to bring up national ministries and support them to accomplish their God given vision mainly based on evangelism, church planting, leadership development and social justice! I hope by all our reports you have seen these accomplishments. Ours is a ministry to sow not only for a fruit eternal but also for a better world if founded on the grace of God!
Our success has been based on faithful prayers and financial support of partners, like you, who have been behind us for all these years! We are looking forward to seeing you in heaven rejoicing for all the souls that we together have brought there through our partnership!
If you haven’t had the opportunity to give yet this year, would you please take this opportunity to become a monthly partner of this ministry?
God Bless You Always!