June Newsletter 2023
Greetings to all of you brothers and sisters who pray every day for the ministry of ANM. Thank you for your part in building the kingdom of God. We are now in Michigan for a supporter’s wedding and spending time with family and you all.
Lots to thank the Lord for and to continue to pray. Francesco is a good friend of ours in Sicily and might be our future landlord there once Giuseppe goes back. Finally, an apartment has been made available after waiting for a while. Please pray for Francesco; he has already heard the gospel and gladly received a bible and literature from us.
Giuseppe has been preaching almost every Sunday since arriving on the island in February. This church with Vittorio at the door is located in Floridia near Siracusa; a little geography will help you see where it is located. After sharing in a few markets, Giuseppe was able to be present at the market in his hometown, Castelbuono. Then he went to Collesano, another town 15 miles away, with great response to the gospel. The little local church has been praying and fasting in order to reach the population with the gospel. We showed up at the right moment to encourage the believers there. God is good and timely.
Also, we were able to be present at two conferences: one in Catania and one in Palermo. The first one related to loss and grief; the other men’s conference was on how to wisely use our time. Great time of refreshing for all. After more than 10 years, it was good to reconnect with Christian in Castelbuono. He is the son of one of the members of the church there.
Another market that responded well was the one in Militello in Val di Catania (geography lesson again). The town is an hour away from Belpasso. A month ago, Giuseppe discovered another refugee camp in the mountains. We set up an appointment and then we visited with Giuseppe sharing the gospel with only a couple of believers and more Muslims in attendance. Pray that God will open their hearts to His Word.
Also, we have been helping a Nigerian pastor in the north of Italy in Cremona with the Augustine ministers. He also shares the gospel with the Italians. Lots going on! A local business is giving us t-shirts and caps to give to children in need. Please pray for Sergio, the first on the left; he is very open to the Word. Also, pray for Enrico, Cristina, Elisabetta and her sister Francesca and many more for the kingdom to be established in their hearts. You are valuable to us, our partners that make all of this and much more possible.
Giuseppe La China and Isidoro Cavallaro continue to serve in and around Catania. God is still at work. Thank you again for your love and support. God bless you.
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for one more for the One.
Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano