Hello Betsy, all well here in Sicily, a bit cold too.
On this report I desire the opportunity to thank my wife. She is more than wonderful to me and our kids, why?.
Because of Pennie this year we took a long deserved vacation after been on the field for ten years.
Maybe I do not say very often, THANK YOU DEAR. Because of her savvy we where able to spend a great time traveling and seeing the Northwest where some of our friends and supporters live. The time in California with our daughter was a blessing . The time spent in Michigan with our two boys was a great blessing too, and to tickle our grandchildren, priceless. This is my wife , the woman of Proverbs 31:10-31. I am blessed.
February went by quickly between lots of meetings with some of our supporters , pastors, and making new friends for the ministry in Sicily and Italy. We do have a couple of churches that desire to bring groups here to help the local churches advance the cause of the gospel.
Again this year splatexperience.comwill be coming the month of July-August to do street evangelism, pray.
After a long flight from California, Mt. Etna welcomed me clothed with snow and a chilly cold, thankfully we have heat in the apartment .
Would like to apologize to the ones that we could make connections and visits, will do a better job next time.
A big thanks goes to Refugeebible.com for providing close to 3.000 bibles for the refugees here in Sicily. Go visit their page and ask what the Lord wants you to do.
Also if you want to support an event for this Summer with splatexperience .com go their page and donate also.
The economy here is real bad and some small churches can’t afford much.
Please pray for Pennie as she stays in Michigan at least till mid – April and take care of her dad.
Continue to pray , continue to give, continue to come and visit.
God bless you.
Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano.
p.s. Let’s go fishing ( really ) for souls.
Visit our webpage at GiuseppeCollesano.com
Ciao for now.
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