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It is always exciting to share about a baptism service but this one in Naples was a special one!
It was held in the newborn church started a few days before Christmas 2013 led by pastor Marco Palma and his young team. Pastor Marco is one of the emerging leaders I am investing in for a few years now.
The church has had a very strong start reaching in a few months over 100 members, most of whom are new born Christians! After a few weeks of discipling, over 14 new born again Christians wanted to follow Jesus through baptism and I had the joy to be asked to speak.
The church was filled to the rim with almost 250 people!
After my message, the brothers and sisters getting baptized shared their personal testimony that showed the great power of the gospel to change lives! Then at the end I had to wrap up the meeting with a final challenge.
Sondra, who was by my side, whispered to me: “Guy I think you should ask everyone who was baptized to call on the people they have invited and ask them to respond to your evangelistic message.”
So I did and to my great joy I saw parents, friends, neighbors respond to the appeal of the individual believers who had just been baptized and come forward to receive the Lord! More than 40 people came up to the altar to embrace and receive Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord!
Once again, investing and adding value to new leaders has produced much fruit and growth in the kingdom of God in Italy!
Thank you again, my dear partner, for making this possible through your prayers and sacrificial giving!
Together we are seeing the glory of God turning people from death to life!
Guy and the IFC Team