
December 2024 Newsletter


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Greetings from cold Michigan! We hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving with your families and friends; we did. God is good that He allowed Giuseppe to come home to spend Thanksgiving with his family for the first time in many years. Wow. November was a blessed busy month. We wish you could have been there and firsthand experience God intervening and protecting. What does that mean?

There was a planned trip for two weeks of teaching and preaching for North Italy. With a detour, the trip should have gone from October 25 through November 6. Not possible. The schedule was changed because everybody had filled theirs. His first stop allowed Giuseppe to share the gospel with Maria Grazia, the manager of the bnb. God is good.

Wicked weather battered Sicily after almost two years of drought. Then the exact place where I was supposed stay for three days suffered a catastrophic flash flood where I would have lost my car and more than $2000 worth of literature. Our brother Daniele lost his car, plus another 25 cars in their subterranean garages. They lost all the literature along with some that Giuseppe had shipped months before to Daniele. Giuseppe’s trip started on November 4 and went through the 18th. Your prayers made it happen.

You should have been there to see Daniele and his wife when we gave them triple of what they lost in the flood. God is good. We visited the area around them. More than half a million people and no Christian witness. Also, they share the possibility of helping in Kenya in providing water to a village and the gospel too. Be in prayer for that.

Then we took a six-hour ride northeast by Mont Blanc, near the Alps. There, Giuseppe thought on Spiritual Warfare for three days, finishing the following Sunday. We had some present in person and some via Zoom. Then there were two more stops before reaching Pieve di Soligo, where we have established a partnership with the local church. In Monza, the first stop, we gave literature to reach the local Muslim community. Then we went to Pavia where our brother Elia is preparing to go to a Muslim country to evangelize. We gave him Arabic literature so I can share it with the ones that he comes in contact with. In Pieve di Soligo, we also taught on Spiritual Warfare and shared the gospel with many people.

Please pray for Sandro, the owner of the bnb where Giuseppe stayed. By the way, God is truly good. Why? In both bnbs, we could not pay a dime. God blessed Giuseppe by involving a couple of Italian believers to take care of all of that. Wow. Blessing upon blessing. Another blessing is the eagerness to have him back again. Pray for that. We Can Do It Together.

The return trip was eventful; after a 13 hours’ drive arriving at the ferry before traversing the strait of Sicily, an entire family heard the gospel. What I thought would be a couple of minutes, turned into a half hour of sharing on the bridge of the ferry with Michele. They were going to Sicily for only a day, a birthday, and it was God’s day. Pray for Michele and his family. They all received a New Testament and the kids got the children’s coloring book Bible.

Tired? If you ask Giuseppe, no; maybe physically. But the reward to be able to share The Good News: priceless. Because you are praying. Because God is Good and desires that no one goes to hell, but be saved. Just in case hell was created for the devil and the angels that disobeyed God, not for man. Our privilege is to bring one more into the Kingdom and We Can Do It.

As the holiday season approaches, we want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. No better gift to know that because you prayed, gave, and supported all of us at Act Now Ministries, souls are reached with His Saving Gospel. Thank you.

Serving together, Giuseppe and Pennie Collesano
As always: Let’s go fishing (really) for one more for The One.
Ciao for now.