
We pray and hope you continue to be excited about continuing the good work that our Lord has called us all to do together!  Over the past several years He has enabled us to further God’s kingdom together. We are praying for God’s grace to continue to impact the nation of Italy with your help.  … Read more

Categories IFC

Annual Winter Youth Retreat January 2015 Click Here For A PDF Report With Pictures What a great youth leader conference we had this last weekend in Rome! We had leaders coming both from the North and South Italy. We also had the honor of once again have Paul Walker, Colin and Melissa Piper, Mark Oestreicher and … Read more

Categories IFC

CLICK HERE for the full report with pictures

JUNE 2014

The main target for a leader is to multiply him/herself and mentor new emerging leaders. This has been the thrust of IFC in the past few years.

Equip, encourage and open opportunities to lead has created new partnership with hungry young leaders who have come up to the challenge in the area of planting new churches, youth ministries, evangelism and Christian literature.

The youth has always been treated as a less important ministry compared to the senior matters of the church. For us at IFC is the contrary. We have been investing in emerging leaders because they know better how to influence their generation that must be reached today and not tomorrow.

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CLICK HERE for the full report with pictures

With only a 10 day notice what a magnificent time they had! When a great team from the University found out that their plans to go to northern Italy for evangelism were squashed the hunt was on for help. BOH who was working with them suggested they get ahold of Gaetano and Italy for Christ, which they did.  Of course Gaetano said of course we will help and you will be a blessing to us!

And so Gaetano called his dear friend Francesco who immediately agreed and received the team with only 10 days’ notice. They were waiting outside the school to distribute La Mia Storia. Through it all, the team experienced lots of love and lots of teaching about being a missionary.

Below I hope you will enjoy reading the great reports from some of them!

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We hope your Memorial Day weekend is glorious.  I decided to look up what it would say a “memorial” is and here is what it said, “something, especially a structure, established to remind people of a person or event.” We the church, those who belong to Christ, are here to be a living memorial to the Living Son Jesus Christ and to share that glorious news with those who have not found a personal relationship with Him yet! Isn’t that a glorious thought for this weekend!

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Click Here For A Full Report With Pictures What a great blessing is to go to Serbia and train the local leaders coming in from all the Balkan regions! The most important quality of these leaders is their hunger to learn more and the eagerness to share how what they learn has had a crucial … Read more


I Pastori Ugo & Meuri Sottile
Sono lieti di invitarvi alla
7° Conferenza delle donne
A cura della Cibei – Roma

È molto importante per un cristiano essere Rinnovato e oggi questo nella vita di tutti i giorni, è sempre più difficile.
La parola del Signore dice in Colossesi 3:10 “vi siete spogliati dell’uomo vecchio con le sue opere e vi siete rivestiti del nuovo, che si va rinnovando in conoscenza ad immagine di Colui che ci ha creato”
Il Rinnovamento è uno stile di vita, non un momento passeggero, ma un processo continuo.
Il Rinnovamento è quindi un cammino fatto con Fede e Amore, dobbiamo credere ed essere consapevoli che il nostro pensiero produce effetti in quello che siamo e facciamo.

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How wonderful to be able to minister in a local church in the US, especially if this is the Church where Sondra and I had our first crusade and recruited the best prayer warriors ever!

Rock of Ages Lutheran Brethren Church doesn’t have a pastor and is looking for one. However in the midst of the church there are great Christians who want to serve The Lord anyway they can. So I came and did a leadership training that, to my surprise, had a full house both on Tuesday and Wednesday. From 7:00 pm until 9:30 pm, after a great snack, we discovered how to put the dream and mission that has been given to each one of us to the test.

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Greetings precious loved ones in Christ.  This April brings many things that are happening all over the world.  Officially it is spring, people are preparing their gardens, cleaning out the homes from winter storms and changing clocks and adjusting to the new hour and some still shoveling snow.  Yet, have they been preparing for one of the most important days of history?  Easter.

So many people around the world have yet to learn that our Lord and Savior didn’t just die on a cross, he wasn’t just a fine prophet, and his end did not happen on that cross but that three days later He rose from the grave to show the victory we have in Jesus! Praise the Lord for his never-ending love for every sinner.

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